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Jun 14th 2023
Immortal Guerrilla Man
🧵 1: 🌟 The Eternal Flame: A Tribute to Che Guevara 🌟 Today, on his posthumous 95th birth anniversary, we honor the enduring legacy of the revolutionary icon, Che Guevara. His unwavering commitment to justice and equality continues to inspire generations. Booker Ngesa Omole : Born o...
2: 💫 Born on June 14, 1928, Che Guevara's journey from a medical student to a global symbol of resistance was driven by a thirst for change. He witnessed the plight of the marginalized and fought against an exploitative system. His spirit remains an inspiration. #CheGuevara Booker Ngesa Omole : Born o...
3: 🔥 Che Guevara's impact extended beyond borders. From the Cuban Revolution to revolutionary endeavors in Africa and South America, he ignited flames of liberation wherever he went. His strategic acumen and unwavering spirit earned him admiration and respect. #CheGuevara
Read 8 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
1/🚀🎉 BRC-30 the TLDR 🔥

A new protocol called BRC-30 has been proposed!🔥 It's an extension of the BRC-20 token standard that adds staking functionality to the Bitcoin blockchain. It's like BRC-20, but with superpowers!💪🔮💥 Here's a quick summary! #BRC30
2/💡With BRC-30, you can stake your BRC-20 tokens or Bitcoin and receive BRC-30 tokens as a reward. 🎁 It’s like putting your digital assets to work and getting paid for it!💼🚀 #BRC30 #Bitcoin #Staking
3/🎯The motive behind BRC-30 is simple - we want token holders to do more with their tokens and be rewarded for it! 🏆 It’s all about fostering greater participation and creating a stronger bond within the ecosystem. 🤝🌐 #BRC30 #Bitcoin Image
Read 8 tweets
May 24th 2023
You are so lucky!

You are so lucky living in this particular century!

Like, making money has never been easier.

Everyday, we wake up to mind blowing opportunities powered by the blockchain network and decentralization.

Let's take a walk, shall we 👀👇

#Datsbotai #crypto #AI Image
I feel like saying congratulations, or is it too early?

Don't mind me, I think I am too over excited.

I found a gem and I decided to share with you too. Prolly you will get just as excited as I am.
I just came across a tech start up company building on the blockchain ecosystem.

They claim they are building an AI system that returns a guaranteed
1.6% - 3.8% daily of whatever invested in it to you for as long as you want.

Oh and it includes an easy
payout in $USDT.
Read 27 tweets
May 9th 2023
“The Essence of the #Myth

In the #Soviet #Union, #Victory #Day has always been the most important holiday.”
‘Fast Facts

#Victory #Day, as a national holiday and non-working day, was introduced in the #USSR in May #1945. However, in December 1947, it ceased to be a national holiday. Until 1965, there were no special events conducted on 9 May.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
Das #funkkolleg des #hr #Rundfunk erklärt Ihnen warum #Demokratie die #Gegenkraft zum #Kapitalismus ist.

Im Wortlaut bester marxistischer #Propaganda werden die Segnungen des #Klima #Sozialismus gegen die #Ausbeutung der #Arbeiter verkündet...

Alles von Ihren #Zwangsgebühren:
Nach dem weltweiten #Scheitern des #Sozialismus und der #DDR in #Deutschland hätte ich es noch vor ein paar Jahren nicht für möglich gehalten derlei offene marxistische #Agitation im öffentlich-rechtlichen #Rundfunk zu finden.

Doch weit gefehlt:
Die Logik:

Es braucht eine "#Revolution von unten".

Der #Kapitalismus ruiniert das #Klima und deshalb braucht es #Sozialismus (a.k.a. "Die Demokratie") für den #Klimaschutz.

Ganze 1460 Abonnenten hat dieser zwangsfinanzierte #Marxismus.

Read 3 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
Gros incendie en cours à côté du dépôt pétrolier de Frontignan suite à un tir de grenades lacrymogènes. La circulation est complètement bloquée, des élus sont présents avec les manifestants. #ReformeDesRetraites #Manif28Mars #greve28mars #Revolution #France #Montpellier
Intervention des pompiers, l’incendie se rapproche des habitations. #reformedeseetraites #Manif28Mars #greve28mars
Read 8 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
#France #pension reform bill #protests continue as King Charles III’s visit is cancelled | Mar 24
- National trade union federation #CGT stated that 3.5 million protestors took to the streets across France Thursday
#Protests over #France’s #pension reform stretch into 9th day | 23.3.2023
#France hit by nationwide #protests as Macron bent on #pension bill | Mar 23
- Workers angry with a rise in the pension age blocked access to a terminal at #Paris' Roissy-Charles De Gaulle #airport, forcing some travelers to get there on foot.…
Read 10 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
"Ce texte va poursuivre son chemin démocratique"

1er crachat.
"Des parlementaires ont subi des agressions insupportables".

"Le Gouvernement a essayé de tenir compte des manifestations".

Il y a une extrême violence de certains qui n'est plus de la démocratie.

"On ne peut accepter ni les factieux, ni les factions"
"Est ce que vous pensez que ça me fait plaisir de faire cette réforme"?

On s'en tape.

Il enchaîne sur l'argument mono-factoriel éculé du vieillissement de la pop et s'assied sur les rapports du COR. Puis reprend le mensonge de l'augmentation des pensions des + pauvres.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
A statue of Songtsen Gampo in his traditional meditation cave at #Yerpa A statue of Songtsen Gampo in his traditional meditation cav
Yerpa (also known as , Drak Yerpa, Druk Yerpa, Dagyeba, Dayerpa and Trayerpa) is a monastery and a number of ancient #meditation caves that used to house many monks, located a short drive to the east of Lhasa, #Tibet Monestary ruins 1993
There were some 200 monks living at #Yerpa from at least the beginning of the 19th century until 1959. It also acted as a summer residence for the Gyuto Lhasa Tantric College.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
Comment ça, #MacronDEGAGE ?!

En ces temps incertains où la nation française est confrontée à des défis multiples, principalement la menace qui pèse sur notre système de retraites, il est CRUCIAL que nous soyons guidés par un leader fort, visionnaire et capable.

De par sa capacité à voir au-delà des limites de l'immédiateté et de concevoir une vision claire pour l'avenir : J'affirme avec fermeté qu'il est cet homme!

Son énergie inlassable et sa détermination a permis de mener à bien les réformes nécessaires pour notre pays.

Il a engagé une #revolution économique et sociale sans précédent, libérant l'entrepreneuriat, favorisant l'innovation et réformant les secteurs clés de l'économie.

Ses décisions lors de la #COVID19 ont permis de protéger la santé et le bien-être de ses sujets !

Read 5 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
Reminder that the "French Revolution" of 1789 was a genocide of the French themselves organized by "someone else". Nordic-looking Frenchmen were intentionally targeted and executed, solely because they were Nordic looking (and thus identified as "nobles"): children, women and men…… Image
The Nordic nobles were hunted like animals, but the Nordic middle-class also suffered, and sometimes even more, because unlike the nobles, they often had nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run.

Many French nobles survived by fleeing to Germany.

Naturally, these are……
Read 3 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
📣 #THREAD : Pourquoi tous les #chiens de bergers ne sont nommés qu'après des pays à majorité blanche (🇩🇪🇦🇺🇧🇪🇨🇭🇳🇱), si ce n'est par #suprémacisme blanc?

Quoi d'autre pourrait expliquer ce choix complètement arbitraire de la part des concepteurs des races de chiens ?

Preuve incontestable de la discrimination systémique de la société, jusque dans le monde canin :

Les chiens de bergers, très populaires, ont une nationalité blanche, afin d'imposer leur domination sur les chiens moins populaires, assimilés à des racisés.

Afin de garantir une représentation équitable, peut-être que les noms des chiens de bergers devraient être choisis par un comité de représentants de différentes races canines ?

Ou mieux, laisser chaque chien s'identifier par lui-même, qu'importe sa race ou origine ?

Read 4 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Médias et gens mal informés : Les grévistes, les éboueurs et ceux qui luttent ne sont pas des << extrémistes», ils sont au contraire fidèles aux grands moments de revendications égalitaires et d'abolition des privilèges qui ont scandé l'histoire de notre pays.
Ceux qui luttent sont les héritiers des révolutionnaires qui ont aboli les privilèges dans la nuit du 4 aout 1789, cette grande promesse révolutionnaire française de renversement des ordres établis.
Pendant que des gens bien nés décident dans un bureau de l'#Elysée de jeter toute ambition de justice sociale à la #poubelle, des #éboueurs, des #grévistes et des manifestants font à nouveau résonner la promesse d'égalité et de solidarité qui structure notre #Histoire.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
#Nantes #manif18mars vs #ReformeDesRetraites : suivez @MarionLpz et croisez vos infos avec la liste… en faisant gaffe à sa "pluralité" parfois trompeuse.
A priori je ne vais pas faire de fil, mais si y'a des urgences, je les relaierai ici 👇
JPP 😮‍💨😤
Je sens que mon prochain fil va être sur l'arme de guerre beaucoup trop acceptée passivement par les "non-manifestants" qu'est la lacrymo...
Dernier texto reçu: "Bouffay est vide comme un 24 décembre" : le quartier a été noyé de #lacrymo encore une fois. Et encore une fois une partie des commerçant-e-s vont forcer vers l'extrême droite pour incriminer les manifs & la "mairie de gauchos" (sic)
Read 14 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Rien ne l'a arrêté. Ni les manifestations de masse parmi les plus impressionnantes de l'histoire récente, ni l’opposition constante et opiniâtre de l’opinion publique. 1/16
#PriseDeLaConcorde #18HConcorde #OccupeTaPlace #revolution Image
Ni les remords de la droite face à un peuple à bout, ni l’absence d’une quelconque majorité à l’Assemblée nationale. Macron se sait minoritaire. Mais ça lui est égal. 2/16
Car en réalité, Macron est ce soldat sacrificiel du capital qui est prêt à faire passer les intérêts financiers devant ses propres intérêts politiques et ceux de son camp. "On ne peut pas prendre le risque", déclarait Élisabeth Borne jeudi devant l'Assemblée. 3/16
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Mar 17th 2023
Émeutes nocturne à Lyon, la mairie du 4e ravagé en feu.

#macron #ReformesDesRetraites #Lyon #Revolution #MotionDeCensureTransPartisane
Le cortège envahit le périph, le Tunnel de Croix-Rousse fermé.

#macron #ReformesDesRetraites #Lyon #Revolution #MotionDeCensureTransPartisane
Après des heures d'émeutes à Lyon, nasse et interpellations des personnes restantes.

#macron #ReformesDesRetraites #Lyon #Revolution #MotionDeCensureTransPartisane
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Mar 9th 2023
The establishment creates this problem by first denying the disease, creating a vacuum that quickly fills up with untested treatments & questionable cures. Then they go about trashing their victims who desperately need relief, and the doctors who are willing to treat.
#BTDT #Lyme
It is both infuriating & heart wrenching to watch this scene play out again, with some of the same establishment players engaging in narrative control. Go to ~48:00 for IDSA creep Paul Auwaerter’s word salad tossed at Congress, thx to my friend @PowerOfNeo…
That they have denied, conflated & confused for DECADES #LymeDisease #ME #mecfs #cfs #fibromyalgia and passed them off as psychiatric, and now are doing the same with #LongCovid, should tell you all you need to know about #PublicHealth’s intentions.
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Mar 1st 2023
"That the #Anthropocene, at its core, is a fundamentally bourgeois concept should surprise no one. After all, it tells us that behind the current, disastrous state of world affairs is the #Anthropos. It’sa trick ...… #history #capitalism #ideology
... as old as #modernity – the rich and powerful create #problems for all of us, then tell us we’re all to blame. But are we? And just who, in any case, is ‘#we’?"
"The #Anthropocene concept has graced the cover of The Economist magazine and received the blessing of The New York Times’ editorial board – for the very sound reason that anthropogenic arguments obscure capitalogenic realities." #Science/#Society
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Feb 13th 2023
In the #WEF-#Marxist-#Nazi-#GreatReset-#Revolution-#Finland, the serial #HappiestCountry, #Nena's #99Luftballoons is the most popular song you can hear in every shopping mall now.
#BalloonHouse official John #Kirby denies US has flown 99 #balloons over #China | -2h
- "Not true. Not doing it. Just absolutely not true," Kirby told MSNBC's Morning Joe. "We are not flying balloons over China."…
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Feb 6th 2023
At the beginning of February 2022, #Biden warned that "if #Russia invades #Ukraine with tanks and troops, then there will be no more #NordStream2"
#ItsDone #NordStream: Fourth leak found as Russia and West trade blame over alleged sabotage of gas pipeline | Sep 29
- #EU and #US have stopped to directly accusing Russia, a #Kremlin official was rebuked after hinting that #Washington was #responsible.
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Feb 6th 2023
Last time, we left Louis XVI in the hands of the revolutionaries. They still want to establish a constitutional monarchy. But events and decisions will change that over the next few years, as we will see. And it’ll cost the king his throne and life. #thread #history #revolution
For many people in France, one big problem still loomed over: hunger. People were starving and some revolutionaries took advantage of it, making sure that the king and the nobility were the target of the anger caused by the famine. On October 5th 1789, a riot of women arrives…
…at Versailles to demand bread for them and their families. They march on the palace and Louis XVI doesn't have a choice but to follow the mob back to the Tuileries palace in Paris. The king won't ever go back to Versailles. The last hope of saving absolutism just vanished.
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Jan 26th 2023
@Samuel_Gryning #Lahjus-#Kiristys. #BigPharma on jo maksanut kuolettavista #mRNA -promootioista. Jopa Suomen kouluissa on maksettu oppilaille kymppi per piikki.
- Ensi-Lahjuksien oton jälkeen ns. poliitikko on kiikissä.

@Samuel_Gryning #Darpa-#mRNA ja #Ukraina-#Maidan2014 ovat saman #siionisti -jengin tekosia ja tavoite on edelleen sama, ylivalta. #Depopulation kuten Neuvostoliitossa bolsevikkien (ns. juutalaisten) #gulagit (66 miljoonaa tapettua) ja se #NWO.
- Jacob #Rothschild lifts he #Veil ImageImageImage
@Samuel_Gryning #Jews Murdered #Czar Nicholas, Stole #Russian Assets and Conducted the #Bolshevik #Revolution
- Immediately after the Revolution, Jews were euphoric over their high representation in the new govt. #Lenin's first Politburo was dominated by Jewish origins… ImageImageImage
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Jan 25th 2023
As the world of #Web3 continues to evolve, so does the legal landscape surrounding it. With the increasing popularity of decentralized applications and the rise of smart contracts, there has been an increased need for a legal framework to govern this new digital space.
With web3, it is possible to create smart contracts and other digital agreements that are fully enforceable. Additionally, blockchain-based applications can help with the automation of legal processes and make these processes more efficient.
One of the main issues is the lack of legal certainty in the web3 space. Unlike the established legal frameworks that exist in the traditional web, there is no globally accepted set of regulations that fully govern the use of decentralized applications and other web3 technologies
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