💫 kelsey Profile picture
Kelsey || 28 || she/her || writer, fangirl, cat lady & lover of all things soft || tumblr & ao3: perfectlyrose | commissions: https://t.co/fTuKLF7f4C
Em Elizabeth Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 11, 2020 72 tweets 12 min read
Shiro takes a deep breath, remembering to breathe through his mouth and moves to finish undressing. He balls up his flightsuit and looks for wherever he's supposed to drop it for decontamination.

There's a receptacle in the wall. He drops his suit and Keith's armor in. "Hey Keith? Could you kick your suit out this way?"

Keith doesn't answer verbally, but the wet suit does come sliding out from behind the partition. Shiro deposits it with their other clothes then stares at the partition separating him and Keith.
Mar 8, 2020 91 tweets 15 min read
It was supposed to be a routine survey mission, or as routine as anything that takes the Captain of the Atlas and the Black Paladin off the ship can be.

a #sheith thread | probably #nsfw | a/b/o, scenting, sex pollen of sorts | post canon, no s8 It takes Shiro pulling rank to even get them to be able to take the mission on their own. He just wants to get some fresh air and spend some time alone with his best friend, is that really so much to ask?
Aug 24, 2019 131 tweets 22 min read
Shiro tastes just vaguely of tequila the first time he kisses Keith.

They've just managed to get into the apartment Shiro is renting month-to-month in the aftermath of war, in the aftermath of a victory party with their friends.

(a #sheith thread, gonna be nsfw) Keith is riding high on a nursed beer and a single shot of whiskey - just enough to feel the slightest bit of buzz - and Shiro took two shots of tequila, spaced throughout the evening and tempered with glasses of water so they didn't knock him on his ass, lightweight that he is.
Aug 21, 2019 37 tweets 7 min read
For Shiro, it happens without warning. A devastating, shattering blow out of the blue.

Keith felt the storm coming, though he didn't know the form it would take.

(a #sheith angst thread for @aroundab00t, warning for no happy ending) They're both used to the universe trying to take the things they love, trying to separate them, but they both thought they'd at least have the chance to /fight/ it like they always have.
Aug 18, 2019 58 tweets 11 min read
Shiro really isn't expecting to get summoned. It's a rare occasion these days, and not one he particularly looks forward to.

(a #sheith thread, continuing the #demonshiroverse)

previously: Maybe he had when he was younger, he thinks as he settles onto his bed in his tiny apartment. Back then he'd been full of all the naive excitement of using the power at his disposal to /do something/ without asking what it was his human masters were doing.
Aug 17, 2019 39 tweets 7 min read
Keith doesn't really mean to summon a demon in his tiny studio apartment on Friday night. He certainly doesn't mean to bind him in a way that the demon interprets as a proposal without so much as kissing the (very extremely attractive) demon.

(a #sheith thread w/ demon!shiro) It's an accident, honestly. Keith is just barely tipsy and decides to try and read the label on the beer bottle that is in a different language because Hunk gifted it to him.

He mutters the unfamiliar words, butchering them with his repentantly American tongue and then fumbles
Aug 10, 2019 28 tweets 5 min read
a post-naxzela #sheith thread


In the aftermath, Keith feels like he's encased in ice. He'd been prepared to face a fiery death, just to give his friends - his family - to give Shiro and the whole Coalition a chance to survive. He talks to the team through the shock, tells them it was Lotor and not him and then limps towards the castleship in his barely functioning fighter.

He doesn't think they notice the tremor in his voice.
Jul 11, 2019 20 tweets 4 min read
Sometimes a bad day hits Shiro in the face in the middle of the afternoon. Everything's fine, there's no emergencies or fires to put out, his crew is working and chatting contentedly among themselves and yet it feels like a there's a void in his chest all of a sudden. Nothing's wrong, or at least nothing tangible is wrong, but the good mood of the last several hours has been torn away. The roil of anxiety and cold creep of sadness take its place and Shiro has to struggle to keep his professional mask in place and not immediately seek out
May 21, 2019 426 tweets >60 min read
(a #sheith mer AU for #mermay feat. mer!keith and human!shiro)

Keith waits behind his normal cluster of rocks for the human to come into the cove. He's not supposed to be this close to shore, much less at the surface, but the sky has always called to him. The man who comes to swim in the sheltered cove every other day calls to him too.

Keith bites down on his bottom lip, sharp teeth digging in as he cranes his head, watching the shore path. There's a smaller group of rocks closer in that he could potentially hide behind.
Mar 28, 2019 82 tweets 14 min read
After the war (s8 didnt happen but haggar has been defeated), it takes exactly two years, three months, and nine days for Shiro to be bullied into taking an actual vacation. Two weeks of forced relaxation somewhere he can't easily access the Atlas or paperwork. (a #sheith thread) Veronica and Pidge both call Keith with the news to enlist his help in making this actually happen.
(No one trusts Shiro to actually take a break if left to his own devices and rightly so. He has a contraband work data pad stashed in his halfpacked bag)