Archaeology, Classics & Egyptology at Liv Uni Profile picture
Part of the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures. Follow us on Instagram (
Mar 21, 2019 48 tweets 14 min read
Evening all. This will be a thread of tweets on the ACE Flagship Seminar (convened by @benjcartlidge and @preshitorian) featuring Prof Bonnie Effros of @LivUniHistory #aceflagship Fred Hirt (@LivAncWorlds) introduces the seminar. We are discussing the history of our disciplines (esp #Archaeology tonight) and how it interacts with #colonialism in #Algeria.
Nov 1, 2018 30 tweets 13 min read
Our first flagship seminar of 2018-19 features @nmacsweeney speaking on Fragmentation theory and Classical texts. Keep an eye out for #ACEFlagship to follow the fun! Archaeology deals with fragments through examining things at the level of the assemblage. An assemblage approach can also be useful for looking at fragmentary classical texts.