Lone Stock Trader Profile picture
15Y full-time trader - US stocks - only sharing my thoughts & self-reminders 🦇🔊
Thanapol_C Profile picture PTY T15 Profile picture SinfullyWang Profile picture 3 subscribed
Dec 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
New thread:
#Trading stuff I (re-) learned this year:

- those who think gut feel can’t give you an edge are right

- those who think gut feel can give you an edge are right

- you trade your best when you don’t need to make money - 99.99% of the time, the “need” to make money now only lives in your own head

- the market will make you feel like the worst trader in the world for sometimes extended periods of time
Jun 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Some ah-ha moments I had on my trading journey:

- money is not made by being right often but by following a method that gives you an edge over time

- conviction in a trade or a strategy cannot be borrowed - gut feelings can give you an edge. The issue is the learn to separate them from wishful thinking

- nothing works all the time

- by the time a trend makes its way to the mainstream media, it's probably extended.
Sep 25, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read

Years ago, I was part of an online trading group.

It was just static Google group, where we mainly communicated through emails. We were only 6 members.

This group played a big role in me becoming profitable. (2/7)
Every members had very different trading styles and strategies
So instead of sharing meaningless trade ideas, we focused on sharing process-oriented and mindset stuff.
Jul 13, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
It's now become my belief that what separates the successful independent traders from the majority - is their acceptance of the DRAWBACKS of being a trader: ▪️trading is a lonely endeavor
▪️you will have to create your own rules
▪️no one will force you to stay disciplined
▪️you will have to separate yourself from the warmth and fuzziness of the crowd