Dr. Lorien Pratt #BLM 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Wrote https://t.co/1fdJCjgYu8, #covid19/#bc survivor. #decisionintelligence & #transferlearning inventor, #machinelearning consltnt, vegetarian, #Dartmouth '83
Aug 2, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
Over the centuries, we've learned how to use #science to *make* things. That's called #engineering. But we have yet to perfect the practice of using science to help us to *do* things. And it is this gap that's preventing solutions to #covid19 ... ...We don't even have a widely-accepted name for this new thing. I've been calling it #decisionintelligence (and @Gartner_inc and other influencers are using this term too)...