➡️ Acids cause coagulative necrosis, which results in a self-limiting burn pattern
➡️ Alkaline materials induce liquefactive necrosis with diffusion into deeper layers of the injured mucosa. Even low concentrations of alkaline ingestion can cause extensive injury.
➡️ Boerhaave syndrome is a spontaneous rupture of the esophagus from barotrauma related to retching or any sudden increase in intraabdominal pressure against a closed glottis.
➡️ Diuretics may not be the preferred initial therapy for those patients with vascular failure, who are often euvolemic, or those with cardiogenic shock, who are often hypovolemic.
➡️ STD or a new TWI in lead aVL is often the first ECG abnormality seen in Inferior MI.
➡️ When an inferior MI is diagnosed, a right-sided ECG should be obtained to exclude concomitant right ventricular MI (RVMI). RVMIs can complicate 30% to 50% of acute IMIs.
👉as a bridge to recovery when cardiac function is temporarily diminished (i.e., myocarditis)
👉as a bridge to cardiac transplantation
👉as destination therapy for patients who are not candidates for cardiac transplantation
➡️ In 2009, “highly sensitive” troponin assays became available. These assays can detect the presence of troponin at much lower serum levels compared to traditional troponin assays.
➡️ Patients with acute life-threatening cardiac or pulmonary conditions often present with feelings of panic or impending doom in association with chest pain.
➡️ High stress and anger have been associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular events.
➡️ MAT is usually seen in acutely ill patients, such as those with:
👉 hypoxia
👉 hypercarbia
👉 hypokalemia
👉 hypomagnesemia
👉 hyperadrenergic states
👉 acute exacerbations of chronic disease
👉 nonspecific ST-segment or T-wave changes
👉 inferior ST elevation (right coronary dissection) but can be any STEMI
👉 pericarditis changes, electrical alternans (tamponade)
👉 left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
👉 atrial dysrhythmias
➡️ Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is defined as pneumonia that occurs in a mechanically ventilated patient more than 48 hours after endotracheal intubation.