Marina Purkiss Profile picture
I’m not always having a go at Govt…sometimes I’m sleeping | Political Commentator & Podcaster | @jeremyvineon5 | @skynews |
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Rob Pearson 💙#NHS 💛#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #ER🌍 #FBPE🇪🇺 Profile picture Delma Warden Profile picture Geo Bristol Profile picture Yoshul 🇪🇺 Profile picture 5 subscribed
Dec 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
In the wake of Jeremy Clarkson’s depravity…

In a climate where we see 1 woman killed ever 3 days in this country at the hands of a man…

Piers Morgan has invited the world’s most famous misogynist onto his show.

Utterly vile @piersmorgan For those of you who don’t know…

Here’s a bit more about Piers’ guest tonight:

He says “women belong in the home, can’t drive, & are a man’s property”

He thinks rape victims must “bear responsibility” for their attacks and…
Sep 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This is billionaire former banker & Tory Lord, Michael Spencer

He donated £25k to Truss’ leadership bid

He’s asked to name a Brexit benefit

Hear what he says

…then remember the new Govt policy announced this week to remove the cap on bankers’ bonuses

What can I say?

This is what buying Govt policy looks like…

I don’t know how much more obvious it can be

They’re so brazen they don’t even bother to hide it

And of all the benefits we were promised

…that’s the one he named

…and that’s the one he got.
Aug 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In the latest edition of ‘privatisation of utilities is utterly scandalous’…

I bring you


Billions in profits

Billions to shareholders


Their dodgy pipes leak almost 2.4bn litres of water every day

Not a single reservoir built in S.England since 1976… Yet they’re introducing a hosepipe ban with fines of up to £1k


They’re deliberately dumping billions of litres of sewage into rivers & coastal waters

So what’s our Govt doing about it?


Worse than nothing

Encouraging it…
Sep 23, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
8 handy points to note about our ‘green’ PM:

1) He has “almost always voted against measures to prevent climate change”

2) He supported shale gas fracking & told readers of his column to “ignore doom merchants” worried about emissions 3) He declared thousands in donations from Michael Hintze & Terence Mordaunt who fund the climate science sceptic ‘Global Warming Policy Foundation’

4) He called wind farms “white satanic mills”
Sep 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This is grim

So we’ve got the Elections Bill to ‘protect democracy’

When actually it does the opposite

It attacks it

And now we have this…

The Govt’s new “UK data protection regime”

It doesn’t protect

It attacks

These 6 chilling terms are hidden in the proposal… 1. We will be made to pay to exercise our data rights & access our data

2. It scraps data protection in one blow - meaning companies no longer have to get us to tick a box to collect our data - they’ll just take it

3. We will no longer be asked whether we want to be tracked
Mar 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Have a look at this sea of old white dudes

85 dukes, earls & barons

46% of them Eton educated

All of them hereditary peers who vote on our laws

They didn’t earn their positions


In this increasingly ridiculous country...

IT’S SIMPLY THEIR BIRTHRIGHT TO RULE They also cost the taxpayer £47m in expenses claimed since 2001

But are they worth it?

That will be a HARD NO

“The average hereditary has spoken in the chamber just 50 times in the past five years”…
Feb 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Why has the point been so SPECTACULARLY missed by Starmer & even left-leaning media?

Hancock's unlawfulness was the result of trying to PREVENT SCRUTINY

And he's lying STILL

A huge number of contracts remain unpublished because he simply REFUSES to publish them... Which takes Hancock's "about a fortnight" delay average TO 78 DAYS

He then bolsters this lie with another, claiming his team deserves thanks:

“We never had a national outage of it because of my team & the work they were doing”

When we know NHS staff were dying due to shortages
Feb 17, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Lots of my tweets are about the misuse of taxpayers money by our Govt

So imagine my surprise this morning to find I am blocked by @the_tpa – THE TAXPAYERS’ ALLIANCE

This is a group that claims to represent “ordinary British taxpayers” fed up with tax waste

The truth?

The TPA is a privately funded lobbying group based at the same Tufton St address in Westminster that campaigns for:

-Greater privatisation
-Free market capitalism
-Climate science denial
-State reduction

They call themselves an “independent grassroots campaign”


Feb 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Gavin Williamson has dealt another HAMMER BLOW to education


A few snippets from his latest plans...

1) Teaching grant to be cut by 50% to courses outside of Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths

F*ck business, media, the Arts

Poor Fatima needn’t bother 2) Removing the London Weighting allowance for London Unis

This means a pay cut for staff that work in these Unis

Because living, traveling and working in London has got cheaper?
Nov 18, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read

The report from the National Audit Office on the Gov’s PPE spending

And it’s DAMNING

Here are the top 8 scandalous take-outs…

Brace yourselves 1) Contracts worth £18bn were awarded, £10.5bn of these with ZERO competition

2) Spending controls were not applied due to the seniority of staff working on contracts

3) Gov did not set out a process to mitigate risks such as bias or conflicts of interest
Nov 10, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Gove in 2016

Says all rights & privileges of UK citizens in EU will be "carried on & respected" after Brexit

Gov website tells a different story...

1) Take out travel insurance with health cover – You may not have access to free emergency medical treatment & could be charged 2) Check if you need a visa/permit – You may not be able to enter or work in some countries if you do not meet requirements

3) Check what you need to make sure you can pass through borders - You may not be allowed to enter the EU if you cannot show you meet immigration rules.
Nov 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This is REAL

And I can’t think of a more perfectly humiliating ending Wait wait...

Here’s Trump’s advisor trying to pretend it was intentional

This is too much
Sep 29, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read



Piece of cake, right?

Not quite

I just had a go on the site to see what I'd need to do if I were a business that traded with the EU...

- Update all my import/export processes

- Make customs declarations for all imports/exports

- Update accounting & reporting so as not to be in breach of rules

- Update contracts relating to accessing personal data

- Pay tariffs on import goods (though they don't tell you what these are yet)

- Get visas/work permits for you and your staff for travel to the EU

Sep 13, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read

“Bullied” to uphold an agreement that your PM negotiated, signed, called a “triumph” and won a GE on the back of

And which you voted for

At what point in your career did you lose your way, @Alex_Stafford ?

And at what cost?

#ToryLies Seriously how do these people get through life?

What do they tell their spouses? Their kids?

“Look, I know it’s wrong, but I’m just doing what I have to do, otherwise Cummings will have me out of a job - and now is not the time to be jobless”

Is that it @Alex_Stafford ?
Sep 12, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
This is happening NOW

And we all need to wake up to it

An investigation “identified 315 sites that are currently being used as part of China’s mass detention programme”

Between Jun & Sept, more than 300 captives had been tortured to death”

#Uighurs… Innocent people being dragged from their homes with no warrant

And why?

“They were charged with mainly two indictment:

1. The crime of creating disturbances i.e. they had too many kids. 

2. Disturbing the public peace i.e. growing long beard and/or long hair”
Aug 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Last week it was Kirsty Allsop

Now we have 5th Baron, Lord Bethell telling kids they just need to learn “to hustle” like he did

This from a man who:
- Inherited a peerage from his dad
- Was privately educated at Harrow
- Stull managed to fluff his A-Levels Also, the kids being most disadvantaged by the Tory gov’s huge systemic failure:

- Did not have your privilege
- Did not fluff their A-Levels

They’ve been shafted by the Gov

The lack of awareness from hustler @JimBethell is...well,to be expected
Jul 30, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
How am I just learning of the INSANE control Murdoch has over UK Politics?

Have a look at this...

- Murdoch papers (News Corp) backed Conservatives all the way

- Then John Major refused to bend to Murdoch's demands on EU policy

- So News Corp flips to back Blair - Blair Wins - Blair and Murdoch are very chummy FYI (Blair is Godfather to his daughter no less)

- Gordon Brown takes over from Blair, but Murdoch doesn't fancy him much, perhaps he's not quite so malleable

- So News Corp flips back to Tory and backs Cameron - Cameron wins
Jun 27, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read

Jenrick “used his ministerial planning powers” to rule on an appeal by the Tory-filled Jockey Club for permission to build 318 homes

The council had originally rejected the application

One reason? Lack of affordable housing


Jockey Club board members include Baroness Harding, the Conservative peer behind the government’s woeful Covid-19 tracing app

AND Rose Paterson, who is married to Tory MP Owen Paterson

Apr 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
As Trump now points the finger of blame directly at the WHO and blames them for "severely mismanaging and covering up" the spread of Covid-19, why not take a moment to see how Trump categorically did THE EXACT SAME.

31 Jan - WHO declares Coronavirus a global health pandemic 19 Feb - Trump predicts virus will "disappear" in warmer weather

23 Feb - Aide warns Trump of potential 1m loss of American lives

24 Feb - "Very much under control"
Mar 14, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
“The president’s misinformation and mendacity about the coronavirus are head-snapping.

He claimed that it was contained in America when it was actually spreading.

He claimed that we had “shut it down” when we had not.

He claimed that testing was available when it wasn’t.” He claimed that the coronavirus will one day disappear “like a miracle”; it won’t.

He claimed that a vaccine would be available in months; Fauci says it will not be available for a year or more.