Mark Thornton Profile picture
Assistant Professor @Dartmouth & Director of @SCRAP_Lab & @OurSocialBrain. Social neuroscientist studying how people understand and predict other people.
Jan 3, 2022 19 tweets 9 min read
New preprint @PsyArXiv from @LinChujun & me! "Fooled by beautiful #data: #Visualization aesthetics bias trust in science, news, and social media." Across 4 studies, we show that people (mis)place more trust in more beautiful graphs. Paper: Explainer 🧵👇 As data have become more plentiful and important to our daily lives, data visualizations have become common across many spheres, including the news media (e.g., @FiveThirtyEight), social media (e.g., @DataIsBeautiful), and scientific research in academia and industry.
Jan 9, 2020 18 tweets 7 min read
Latest paper from me & @DianaTamir, now in press at Cortex: "People represent mental states in terms of rationality, social impact, and valence: Validating the 3d Mind Model"… (preprint available @PsyArXiv: In a 2016 paper @PNASNews, we found initial evidence 3 dimensions, which we called rationality (vs. emotionality), social impact (states likely or not to impact others), and valence (+/-), describe how the brain represents other people's mental states:…