Martin Daubney 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Presenter of The Martin Daubney Show, Mon-Fri 3-6pm on @GBNEWS. Journalist for 29 years. Former MEP
Aug 11, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read

There are many examples of #TwoTierPolicing & #TwoTierJustice in Britain in recent years, but his one, IMO, did the most damage

It paved the way for an emboldened Left, an embittered white, working class & perhaps even contributed to the recent riots

It involved a future Prime Minister taking the knee to BLM, a BLM arsonist dodging jail after a 7-month delay, & a white working class counter-protestor going straight to jail just two days later. Read on…Image
· Thousands of BLM protestors took to Whitehall, in support of George Floyd

· 27 police officers were injured, and there were 29 arrests, inc violent disorder, public order offences & assault on emergency service workers, with a promise that: “Justice will follow”

· A female mounted police officer required surgery after her startled horse smashed into a traffic lightImage
Aug 10, 2024 14 tweets 8 min read
Today will see a "National Day of Protest against the Far Right"

One event stands out. At 2.30pm, a 'Stop the Far Right' demonstration will take place at the London HQ of @reformparty_uk

At the General Election, 4,072,947 Brits voted Reform. So, according to today's protests, there are at least 4,072,947 "Far Rights" in Britain. Seems a bit spicy? Read on…Image THE AGENDA. With the government, the police & the media behind them, today’s organisers – hardcore Leftists/Marxists/Communists – are trying to stamp out any form of political opposition, let alone a revolution

4 million fascists?! How long before we hear calls for Reform to be a “proscribed organisation?” In today’s Kafkaesque landscape, nothing is off-limits. (Keep an eye on vocal has-beens like Humza Yousaf).Image
Mar 2, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵SHARIA LAW UK: At Kettlethorpe High School, Wakefield, a "highly autistic" boy, 14, received death threats after he accidentally caused "slight damage" to *his own copy* of a Quran. The boy's mum was paraded at the local mosque fearing for her son's life. Let's analyse scandal> At the local mosque, Akef Akbar, an independent councillor acted as judge. He brushes off death threats against a 14-yr-old boy with SEN as “passions do flare” - despite that being an ACTUAL hate crime, worthy of prosecution. He applauds mum for not wanting to prosecute
Jun 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Mask clampdown on London Tube today led to two arrests on my commute. Arrest 1 at Vauxhall, man not wearing mask. I arrived part way through this one, he was lacerated on arms, clearly resisted, in huge distress. 10 officers/TfL staff on site Arrest 2: Utterly horrific. It started with a man not wearing a mask & woman came to his aid as he got ticket. She'd apparently given him her mask (I spoke with the bloke later). It quickly escalated to full-blown violence - the woman assaulted copper & a huge incident followed
May 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: Why we need a "green revolt" against eco taxation

Out on the campaign trail with @LozzaFox in Walthamstow today & Nadim, who helps run the street market told us 250 trader's van will need to be scrapped or pay £12.50/day from October thanks to @SadiqKhan ULEZ expansion> Nadim & other traders spoke of the war on motorists. A one-way system that means a 5-min journey is now 40 mins. Empty cycle lanes. Immediate parking fines for shoppers, who now stay away. A 60% drop in trade on top of £60k/year rent. In the name of what?
Feb 3, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: So @UKLabour think they can win back the red wall by "use of the union flag, veterans & dressing smartly?" Here's why this is ludicrous fantasy

1. You don't "use" the union flag & especially veterans. You believe in them, from the patriotic heart. Anything else is lies 2. How can Keir Starmer pretend to love the Union flag, when he knelt to BLM, who set fire to it at the Cenotaph? No way will patriots swallow this co-opting of the flag for votes

3. Labour MPs are secretly or even openly ashamed of our flag & history, esp Corbynistas
Jan 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
THREAD ON POLLS: Lots of people wilfully missing the point about my Twitter poll – like, I think Twitter polls are real life

I've been saying for years they're about as reliable as tea leaf reading

The bigger questions: are @YouGov polls representative of the whole population? Image I know my followers aren't representative of the whole pop: nobody's are. In theory, @YouGov has access to a cross-section of all outlooks. In practice, they know people's views from previous polls. So who gets polled? To back up govt messaging? We should be naturally curious
Dec 28, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
THE FISHING BETRAYAL: After 2 days of poring over the Brexit Agreement, it is my clear conclusion that my initial gut feeling – this treaty betrays the UK's fishing industry & coastal communities - is true. Here's why >> Quota increases are terrible. Boris talks of +25% increase, but I cannot find any evidence of this. Instead, of 87 shared species: 7 increase 10-14%, 6 increase 5-10%. 42 species increase between 0-5%. But 32 species STAY THE SAME
Aug 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: The “16-year-old boy” who drowned off the Calais coast yesterday was actually a 28-year-old man named Abdulfatah Hamdallah

Sudanese migrant who drowned trying to reach UK named… His fellow traveller, who survived, lied about his mate’s age. They also stole their boat from a shop

They were not “desperate children”. Yet the media/MPs lapped this up & attacked @pritipatel based solely on an illegal immigrat’s fake testimony 🤷🏼‍♂️
Aug 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Earlier this week I argued the BBC had no place educating our kids. This nonsense of the myth of white privilege further cements my position

It’s agenda-driven brainwashing, designed to make white kids feel terrible about their very existence The clearest example white privilege is a myth in the U.K. is educational attainment. In order of those most likely to attend Uni from state schools: Chinese, Asian, black, mixed, white. Worse, there is not a single government directive to address this
Sep 10, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Newly erected poster of Ursula Von der Leyen in Brussels reads: “‘In fair free elections, the power of the people, determines the people in power”

1. She didn’t stand in a fair/free election - she was the EU’s only candidate
2. Doesn’t this feel a bit North Korea? 😫🇬🇧 It’s also worth remembering 1. Von der Leyen wasn’t even on the ticket of four prospective Presidents that MEPs voted for. She was inserted over & above MEP votes 2. Despite that, every attendant Tory MEP voted for her, despite the fact she wants “more Europe” & an EU Army
Aug 2, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
#BreconByelection some thoughts: smart money was on a Lib Dem win. They’ve targeted the seat for two years, threw the kitchen sink at it and scored a good win. For the @brexitparty_uk it was our 400th target seat from 650. So did we split the vote? >> Well, a significant number of people either didn’t trust Boris to deliver a clean-break Brexit, or would never vote Tory anyway, and voted @brexitparty_uk This represents a headache for Tory HQ as this will be replicated across the UK - more so in our target seats
Jun 7, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Righto, let's look at what happened. Firstly, there is no denying the best candidate lost in Peterborough. This isn't sour grapes: @MikeGreeneTBP is a genuine inspiration, a bloke with vision who would've given his heart & soul for the city. Respect to him 🙏 @MikeGreeneTBP Let's start with the positives. We had over 1000 volunteers turn up to help. Absolutely staggering levels of passion. Unpaid. One, Rick, drove 6 hours round trip, he had a spinal injury, was in huge pain, yet drove myself & @Michael_Heaver to our patches & helped leaflet 👊
May 30, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
It's becoming pointless trying to debate Brexit on any TV panel show. And I say this as a participant.

Due to the fact the media is entirely unrepresentative of the public, it's 3-4 Remainers constantly interrupting one Brexiteer. Tonight's #bbcqt is no different 😩 TV is obsessed with diversity. Yet we have a serious problem with diversity of thought & politics. How can 52% of the population be so continually unrepresented? It's becoming a tragic dereliction of duty. There's no wonder people are just switching off the MSM
May 11, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
I've been writing and campaigning on working class lads being the bottom of education for years. I've spoken, eyeball to eyeball with MPs on the matter. Started charities. Made rousing speeches in Parliament. Nothing's happened. It's heartbreaking; this abandonment >> I've got no idea where my current political journey is taking me. But I'd love to use any chance I get to try and make a difference for these lads: lads like I was, who seem to have been thrown in the dustbin by our current MPs. This must change
May 4, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Astonishingly revealing day campaigning in Worcester for @brexitparty_uk Over three hours, hundreds of people coming over to us on High Street. Hungry to vote. Furious with Westminster. It's like a volcano waiting to go off. It's joyous @brexitparty_uk Jim, Glaswegian, 65, lives in Wolves: "I've voted Labour all my life. And never, ever again. They are traitors. We need more real people in politics. This lot are a disgrace."
Jul 10, 2018 8 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: A question of policing priorities. Today, an investigation begins into why senior police officers failed to take action over Rotherham child abuse allegations. Over 1,500 girls were raped & sexually exploited by Muslim grooming gangs… It's been called "the biggest child protection scandal in UK history". Yet reports written by Dr Angie Heal between 2003-2006 were ignored. A senior officer finally said looking into these sex rings was not as important as "burglary and car crime"
Feb 2, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
1. END OF WEEK THOUGHT: One of the many, obvious benefits of getting out of the media/Twitter bubble and talking to real people is that you get a much more accurate view of how real people are thinking 2. This week I've spoken with hundreds of teenagers and over 100 parents across UK and hot topic was fear around the male/female interface in light of #MeToo #PresidentsClub #HarveyWeinstein and even #DartsWalkOnGirls #f1gridgirls