McHeartley Rugambwa Profile picture
Junior Economist and Analyst || Economy || Macro Data || Finance || Investments .Passionate in Geoeconomics and Geopolitical Strategies.
Precy Lemah Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 31 6 tweets 1 min read
"The challenges and surprises remain inevitable opportunities abound" was the common theme at the 54th Annual meeting at the World Economic Forum (WEF).
@SalumAwadh @Dicksonmagecha @mofURT @InvestTanzania Highlighted key points include:
1. Speed is Crucial to outperfomance
2. Cooperation is multi-faceted and can co exist with competition
3. The generative AI revolution is only just beginning
4. Sustainability is a business imperative
Jan 15 9 tweets 2 min read
Tanzania's Inflation Updates:
@GMwangonda @MwananchiNews @TanzaniaInsight @dailynewstz @Deodravis @helahela_george

#economy #Inflation #cpi #Purchasingpower
The annual headline rate of Inflation for December 2023 has decreased to 3.0% from 3.2% recorded in November 2023. Image The trend shows progressive disinflation as food and non-alcoholic beverages inflation rate for December 2023 has decreased to 2.3 pecent from 3.7 percent November 2023. The core inflation rate gained an Uptake to 3.1 percent from 2.6 percent recorded in November 2023.
Jan 15 6 tweets 2 min read
Tanzania's Inflation updates;
@MwananchiNews @TanzaniaInsight @GMwangonda @Deodravis @helahela_george @dailynewstz

#Economy #Inflation #Purchasingpower #CPI
Annual headline inflation rate for December 2023 has decreased to 3.0% from 3.2% recorded in November in the same year. Image The trend shows a progressive disinflation as food and non-alcoholic beverages inflation rate for December 2023 saw a decrease to 2.3% from 3.7% recorded in November 2023. The core inflation rate has increased to 3.1% from 2.6% recorded in November 2023.
Oct 12, 2023 9 tweets 1 min read
Binafsi naamini katika sehemu ambayo Afrika tunafeli ama hatuchukulii katika mantiki ipasavyo ni kuwa na think tanks za kufanya uchechemuzi na uchambuzi wa masuala mbali mbali yahusuyo Geo-economics,Geopolitics na Strategy.
@YerickoNyerereT @simulizinasauti Strategic studies ni masomo ya msingi sana na kama taifa inatakiwa kuwa na nguli wengi wa kuweza kuchambua hali ya dunia iendavyo, kuona hatari itakayokuja na kuweza kuwa pro-active katika decision making. Sina hakika tunazo ngapi ama tunazo kabisa zinazojulikana hapa kwetu.
Oct 5, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
The Key insights from Trade and Development Report 2023 by UNCTAD published yesterday I.e 4th October,2023.
@TanzaniaInsight @mofURT @mwigulunchemba1 @zittokabwe @LNMafuru @elerianm @SalumAwadh @Dicksonmagecha @felixsalmon @Deodravis @helahela_george @TheCitizenTz
The world economic growth is projected to slow from 3% in 2022 to 2.4% in 2023 with only a few signs of rebound in the next year as most regions exhibits significant slowdown Image
Sep 30, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
TANZANIA'S INFLATION UPDATES. Image Sources: National Bureau of Statistics and Bank of Tanzania Computations as in the latest Monthly Economic Review (MER) of late August 2023.
Sep 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
All stakeholders hails for such arrangements to reaching a fully-fetched benefits accruals that trade & investments brings secure. This marks the continuation on facilitating investments and business environment in the country after deploying GovESB in 2022. @InvestTanzania Image I hope (as many are) that The Tanzania Electronic Window (TelW) will propel the process into making an easy path to linking stakeholders with appropriate ministry and Agencies.

Other ways to promote trade and investments could be ;
Sep 14, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I'm neither an expert nor an industry insider on this matter at hand but if one is to solicit my views I would say I believe there's a difference set of stratagem array procuring the stated commodities I.e beverages and gazettes. Image Oil being an ultimate geopolitical commodity is vulnerable to Geopolitical playground/power plays with players holding important cards excersing market manipulations/power to exploit margins intended. This isn't a case to beverages and gazettes/news papers stated.
Sep 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Cartels regulation in a market with close to no substitute is hard indeed, will it be wrong if I name this approach as "An
Expansive unfair advantage" move by players holding crucial cards pressing Global-Market exploits?(eyeing switching costs of ease). @elerianm
#markets #oil 》 Is creating a Multipolar economy extended by BRICS+ to exercise more independence and strategic flexibility an unfolding reality? (NB; at critical times of chaos and gloom-weathered economies)@Dicksonmagecha

》Is there any way out of this for a smooth market correction?
Jul 11, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The Finscope Report 2023 was launched yesterday at @BankOfTanzania The Key takeaways :

[1]. No of Tanzanians who are formally banked has increased from 17% to 22% (22.5% in Zanzibar)

[2]. Only 0.50% of Tanzanians invest in capital markets

[3]. Only 13% of Tanzanians have regular income

[4]. 75% of Tanzanians own mobile phone
May 14, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read

UZI: Image Ni utaratibu wa walio wengi kutokua na bajeti mahususi katika matumizi yao ya kila siku ila ukweli ni kwamba matumizi mengi hutokea bila kutarajia hivyo kutokua na bajeti maalumu hupelekea kutokuwapo kwa nidhamu ya kifedha kwa mtu husika. Je bajeti ni nini hasa? hebu tuanze
May 12, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
It's a very wonderful conversation by @SenDuckworth would love to acknowledge that. With the memory of the trade war in 2018 a stable and lasting relationship between the two countries is crucial not only for mutual gains among them but for overall prosperity of global economy. The cooperation in trade is a right approach but my concerns on how are we going to deal with the standing allegations on so called 'unwilling tech transfer' and the chaos with intellectual property laws? @CFR_org
May 12, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Such a clear-eyed perspective by @orfonline. For developing countries to follow a similar approach I think it will be more of regionalisation globalisation to fully grasp their potential capacities. Many developing countries face similar problems and there's a need for enhancing comprehensive framework and principles to facilitate cross-boarder trade basing on comparative advantages among regional blocks which are coordination,standardisation and simplifications. Image
May 1, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read


UZI. Image Mwanasayansi Albert Eistein aliwahi kusema "Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" na huu ndiyo msingi wa makala hii.
Apr 29, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Licha ya cha changamoto nyingi zilizozikumba uchumi wa Dunia Nchi nyingi za Africa zimeonyesha ustahimilivu katika ukuaji wake.E.g #Tanzania 4.6%, #Kenya 5.2% ,#DRC 8.6% n.k kwa 2022. Pongezi za Dhati kwa @mofURT @BankOfTanzania @mwigulunchemba1. Image Uchumi wa Sub-Saharan Africa unatagemewa kushuka kufikia 3.1% in 2023 kutoka 3.6% in 2022 (IMF forecasts) kama ikishindwa kuwa 'resilient' kutokana na persistent sluggishness of the global economy na kutegemewa kupanda tena kufikia 3.7% ,3.9% kwa 2024,2025 respectively.