MedEd Pittsburgh Profile picture
Some Pittsburgh docs with smart friends learn medical stuff and teach it to the world. #TwitterReport #PittPuzzle. Posts don't replace medical advice.
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Oct 16, 2020 18 tweets 8 min read
1/ It’s time for #PhysioQuizzo! You’re excited. We’re excited. It’s fun!

You’re on inpatient cardiology and your patient gets a right heart cath (RHC):

RA 29
PA 52/33 (mean 40)
-Thermo: 2.9/1.2
-Fick: 5.3/2.0
SvO2 43

Q1: Does this pt have heart failure (HF)? 2/ #PhysioQuizzo

Question 2 (all answers at the end!): Does the patient have pulmonary hypertension?
Jul 15, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ Clinical Reasoning Series – Cognitive Bias

Ever felt the thrill of making crucial diagnosis? The pain of missing a diagnosis? Yeah, us too

Clinical reasoning is hard, so let’s talk about it. Our 1st post in a new series starts today. Let’s talk about Biases.

#MedTwitter 2/ Basic Definitions:

>Heuristic: a cognitive shortcut based on prior experience & pattern recognition

>Cognitive Bias: when a heuristic leads to misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment

We need heuristics b/c reasoning every decision from 1st principles would take forever!
Nov 8, 2019 14 tweets 14 min read
It's time for #TwitterReport! This time, we're making a #tweetorial on how to use tweetorials for case-based teaching.

Follow along to our Mid-Atlantic @SocietyGIM workshop in Ballroom B from 12:45-1:45 pm at the @PittTweet University Club on 11/15/19.

Let's get started! @SocietyGIM @PittTweet 1/ What even is a #tweetorial?

A Tweetorial is a short thread of tweets which provides educator-driven content centered around a chosen topic.

Tweetorials leverage the multimedia capabilities of Twitter to dissect a topic using supporting articles, videos, diagrams, and polls.
Jun 19, 2019 17 tweets 22 min read
It's time for #TwitterReport! Get out your illness scripts and problem representations.

Case: A 65yoM with metastatic melanoma goes to the ER with RLE edema: doppler shows a femoral DVT. He also says he's been getting more tired over the last 4wk.

What else do you want to know? PMH: HTN, HL, T2DM (now diet controlled), metastatic melanoma
PSH: none
Meds: HCTZ, metoprolol, atorvastatin, pembrolizumab/ipilimumab (last cycle 2 weeks ago)
Social: lives with wife and dog at home. From a local rural area. Never smoker/alcohol. Former construction worker.
May 15, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
It’s time for #PhysioQuizzo! And today, we got a really trippy puzzle for you. [thread]

1/x You’re still working in the ICU (1 week to go!), and you take care of a pt who overdosed. He was revived in the ER. Urine was obtained before naloxone was given.

Quiz on post 3/x. 2/x His UDS is shown below. His outpatient med list is also shown.

You’ll note his UDS is positive for everything...
May 1, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Get your thinking caps out! It’s time for #PhysioQuizzo!

You’re still working in the ICU. You get 2 patients back to back, comatose. Little history. Vented.

Patient 1: 22yo female. Found down at home. We don’t know her PMH or meds. How many acid base disorders does she have? Use the poll below

What do you think she has? Say your opinion in the comments!
Apr 24, 2019 11 tweets 10 min read
It’s #TwitterReport time!

We give you a case. You ask us questions. Everybody learns.

A 77yoF presents after passing out. This is the 3rd time it has happened. Most recently, she stood up, got dark vision, and woke up on the floor.

What else do you want to know?

#MedEd @PittIMChiefs @PittIMPOCUS @PittGIM @PittGIMStrong @akohlimd @ACarterMD @JMAllenbaugh @cjchiu @HannahRAbrams @CPSolvers @COREIMpodcast @UTSWIMchief @OHSUIMRes @BMCimRES @IMCreighton @BostonChiefs @DxRxEdu @rabihmgeha @ShreyaTrivediMD @MayoMN_IMRES @MFleshner301 @mgsimonson1
Apr 3, 2019 12 tweets 8 min read
Put on your thinking caps for this week's #PhysioQuizzo!

After finishing ID consults two weeks ago, you find yourself on renal consults. Your attending gives you two new consults:

1) 30yoM, serum Na 121, SOsm 252
2) 30yoM, serum Na 120, SOsm 253

(Questions on the next page!!!) 2/ #PhysioQuizzo

Patient #1: Na 121, SOsm 252, asymptomatic.

The attending tells you his urine Osm is 70. She asks you how you want to cure the patient's hypoNa.

You say that, before you decide, you want to know more about the patient's... [You only get 1 choice]
Mar 27, 2019 18 tweets 14 min read
All right! Better late than never! Time for today’s #TwitterReport

Case: A gentleman is brought to the ER after being found down. He was reportedly walking around a Target parking lot without clothes on just before collapsing. He has no ID.

What else do you want to know? @BostonChiefs @CPSolvers @BMCimRES @TempleIM @PennDGIMProud @MayoMN_IMRES @UTSWIMchief @PittIMPD @aoglasser @DxRxEdu @thecurbsiders @OHSUIMRes @awfujita @HannahRAbrams @MFleshner301 @mgsimonson1 @TKapetanos @nikiforova_md @ACarterMD @JMAllenbaugh @PittIMPD @PittIMChiefs
Jan 3, 2019 20 tweets 32 min read
Happy New Years everyone! Time for a new #TwitterReport!

We give you a case. You ask us questions. Everyone learns.

A 65yoM with HTN, CAD s/p stenting 7y ago presents with hemoptysis. He’s been filling a coffee mug up with blood q24h.

What else do you want to know? @PittIMChiefs @IDPittStop @PittEMProgram @JMRocco5 @AkoczoAgnes @dwsamberg @s_w_fox @nievesra14 @Neethuabraham4 @senoramimi @cmallarino @zou_richard @RyanAugustinMD @UTSWIMchief @Brown_IM_Chiefs @MayoMN_IMRES @OHSUIMRes @JMAllenbaugh @BostonChiefs @TempleIM @TempleGIM @awfujita