Dr. Natalie Marshall, PhD, D(ABMM), FCCM🔬👩‍🔬🤯 Profile picture
Clinical Microbiologist @AHS_APL creating+sharing #ClinMicro resources. 🦠Vanier PhD Microbiologist 🤓Nerd + general enthusiast. My views. She/her🏳️‍🌈
Aug 25, 2021 14 tweets 10 min read
Today's talk now posted for my FAVOURITE topic:
How to study & learn clinical/medical #microbiology.
🧠What to know
🧠How we learn
🧠Free resources

🧵below & slides available free: tinyURL.com/LearningMicro

#IDTwitter #MicroMedEd #ASMCPEP #clinmicro #ASMClinMicro Title slide: Studying & learning microbiology Contact inform This talk expands on content from my ASM post from June.
... which outlined traits of experts & how we can use them to learn (eg. with visual tools):

👉These slides (summarized next) put this in the context of preparing for clin/med micro/ID exams.
2/14 Table: Traits of experts (vs. novices) and how visuals aid t
May 13, 2021 26 tweets 15 min read
Let's talk about YEAST!

🤔What are they
🤒Which ones cause human disease
🧫How do we ID them in the lab
💊What are the treatment options (including mechanisms & resistance to anti-fungals)

#IDtwitter #MicroMedEd Yeastie Beasties talk, May 2021 Yeast are a type of fungi (so are moulds&🍄).

"Yeast" isn't a taxonomic group, it describes how they appear. Single-celled like bacteria, but eukaryotic. (More here )

Thanks Saccharomyces for your sourdough bread. (And my beer🍻)

nature.com/articles/nrmic… Comparison of the morphology of yeast, mould hyphae, conidiaComparison of morphology of moulds vs yeast (for dimorphic f
Apr 21, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
= several species of important human pathogens, including 🥁 P.aeruginosa. 😱

Here's a little #IDtweetorial of this important genus for #IDTwitter #micromeded:

⚡️Virulence factors
🧫Lab ID
🧪Susceptibility testing


👨‍👨‍👧‍👧Gram➖ Gammaproteobacteria. The Proteobacteria (and even Gamma~) are very diverse.

👨‍👨‍👧‍👧Closely related to coliforms (eg E.coli).

👨‍👨‍👧‍👧12 species cause human disease

📘Adapted from Manual Clin Micro

🖥️More on Enterobacterales:
