Mohanad Profile picture
🇬🇧 🇸🇩 Just an opinionated somebody. Came here for a Revolution stayed for the jokes. Co-founder @KhartoumKitchen
Jun 18 14 tweets 9 min read
🧵This is a thread on UAE’s illicit Arms supply operation to its proxy RSF militia; which is currently committing genocide in Sudan amongst other mass atrocities.

The UAE’s UN representative starts of his speech by gaslighting the chamber claiming what they are delivering is aid to Sudan. We know this to be a lie; the UAE has consistently used promises of Aid to cover up its arms supply operation to the proxy genocidal RSF militia it is sponsoring in Sudan.
The first clear evidence of this emerged when Ugandan customs inspectors found that a plane that was documented as carrying humanitarian aid for Sudanese refugees was in fact carrying weapons. After that incident senior Ugandan officials ordered cargo inspectors not to inspect UAE cargo planes heading to Chad. This report by Africa stream details what happened.
#SudanImage On the 22nd June last year the RSF militia captured the city of El Geniena in West Darfur from the Sudanese Army. The RSF militia (which identifies as Arab) immediately turned to massacring the city’s male civilian population before they could escape. They Massacred 8,000 men and boys from the African (sedentary) Masalit tribe in a genocidal atrocity on the scale of Srebrenica (Bosnian Genocide). Masalit mothers fleeing Al Geniena dressed up their baby boys as girls so RSF militiamen would not kill them if found. Hundreds of thousands of Masalit people who survived fled to Eastern Chad.
Rather than being horrified by its proxy militia’s atrocities in West Darfur, the UAE saw an opportunity to up its arms supply again under the guise of humanitarian aid!
Dec 7, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Thread explaining the #Sudan /Ethiopia Border conflict.The Main area of conflict is Little Fashga that borders Amhara region and to a lesser extent Greater Fashga that borders Tigray. Little Fashga is the triangle of land between the Atbara river,Angereb river & Ethiopia’s border While Greater Fashga is the triangle of land between the Angereb River, the tekeze (Setit) River & Ethiopian border. I describe this as a border conflict rather than a border dispute because the #Sudan Ethiopia border is fully demarcated. There’s no legitimate doubt that
Sep 20, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Ive serious worries about the RSF providing public services. Firstly from a PR point of view its disastrously effective. Not only does it help whitewash their image it undermines critical voices to them, because predictably we’ll oppose the growth of the RSF (1/3)
#SudanUprising Now to a lot in Sudan, particularly in rural areas this looks like we don’t want to the RSF to provide services like healthcare etc.This simultaneously improves the image of the RSF while damaging the image of its critics. Many won’t won’t understand why we oppose
Aug 6, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
Victory or Egypt was the warning. That we must be careful to learn lessons from Egypt’s failed revolution النصر أو مصر
But the warning should’ve been Victory or Sudan more specifically old Sudan. Sudan’s history has been destructively playing on loop for 60 yrs
#SudanUprising The cycle begins with the Military making a pact with a political power base to rule Sudan. In 1958 General Abboud makes a pact between the Army & the tribal political sects of the Ansar & Al Khatmiya
In 1969 Colonel Nimeri makes a pact with leftist politicians
Jul 19, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
1. Sudan’s economic crisis is a severe supply side crisis which the regime has tried to tackle by boosting consumption. The women in this video tells that oranges sell for the equivalent of 0.3 USD that is a price comparable to what you would pay in the UK
#SudanUprising 2. A country with high labour costs due to a per capita income now 40 times higher than Sudan’s that has to import oranges, that has one of the highest fuel duties in the world making transportation extremely expensive should not be able to match Sudan on the price of agri goods