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Jul 22, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The HIDDEN agenda of Ice Cream: 1/
Ice cream is made of white milk but REAL milk is yellowish but through a process (homogenization) it becomes white, nahmean? It removes the cream, the color.
White farmers privilege the whiteness of milk then they tell our children to ingest this whiteness for their health. 2/
Jul 7, 2020 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
Want to see what's being printed in the @freep?
Every thing is "white privilege."
Whites have to work with Blacks to find a solution (to "white privilege?")
Telling your kid their skin color is a handicap sounds like child abuse.
"White privilege" is a burden?! 1/
No solution offered, only blanket condemnations of "whiteness" and problematizing allyship.
Lot of dramatic language about the "emotional tolls" of "white terrorist violence."
This is a Ph.D candidate and this essay is worthless. It adds nothing to any discussion, its fluff. /2
Jun 19, 2020 • 32 tweets • 6 min read
Trump got my support when he started calling out #FakeNews. Why? Because at the time I had begun reading a lot about propaganda and how its used to dehumanize opponents. I had never considered voting Republican in my life before that point. (Still don't, btw.) [THREAD] (1)
But I began to think. I'm nearly 40 years old and in my entire life there has never been a Republican politician or voice of any label (libertarian, conservative, etc) that was not labeled a racist/sexist/homophobe. Its been the same since Goldwater. (2)
Jun 11, 2020 • 24 tweets • 5 min read
I skimmed the first chapter of The Conquest of Bread
Its typical communist tripe. I'll give a quick summary (THREAD)
1. Mankind is now wealthy and has the technology to produce goods for the "well-being of all." 2. Capitalists force us to waste our labor producing "profitable" goods, rather than producing goods for the "well-being of all."
Jun 10, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I see a lot of "white people need to have uncomfortable conversations" rhetoric but those "conversations" are always one sided, and more akin to lectures than conversations.
The average person is honest and doesn't want to be racist, and that's a weakness (1)
They listen and don't defend themselves but instead surrender to what the lecturer is saying.
Sympathy and empathy is being hacked. There's quite a few white racists who love having the "uncomfortable conversation" but they are rarely ever invited to have it. (2)
Jun 4, 2020 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
The Right is motivated by the two Gs: God and Green (money)
The Left is motivatied by the two Ps: Power and Privilege (entitlement)
Everything boils down to God or Green on the Right, Power or Privileges on the Left. (1)
Allow me to elaborate.
On the Right is the bulk of the U.S. pro-family religious zealots (mostoy Christian and Jews) Anything which affects the household offends them: sex, abortion, divorce, out of wedlock childbirths, etc. If you can make a successful God argument you can win them over. (2)
Jun 3, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
So the question now is why would this evil god, White Supremacy, allow someone to live so well? He's not starving, barefoot somewhere. These are millionaires who rub elbows with famous people every single day. In an evil system, there has to be something odd about this, right? (1
The loudest yelpers about a system of white supremacy are people benefitting from the system. Academicians, athletes, media, entertainers...multimillionaires near the seats of power.
And they all live well.
Why is #WhiteSupremacy taking such good care of them? (2)
Nov 23, 2019 • 24 tweets • 5 min read
The problem with pan-Africanism is Africans aren't pan-African.
Africans are tribal.
They'll admit this, and don't care. You see it in their actions, too. Because they have a real identity. Some Blacks in the West are cosplay Africans. Its not cool. (1)
Some people have taken the concept of "knowledge of self" to mean knowledge of racial consciousness. I disagree. I take it literally, know who YOU are and then you can find out where you fit in the various competing groups on the world. (2)
Sep 4, 2019 • 28 tweets • 6 min read
Obama fractured Black America and I'm glad he did. We can see the hustlers for who they are now. Ever since Obama, we've seen this wave of neo-negroes; middle class buppies with bull rings and wacky hair, stepping onto the scene with righteous indignation about mid class shit. 1/
We still hood kids running around barefoot next to abandoned houses but all these weirdos care about is trannies and gay shit.
Dudes can't find work, crushed by child support, living foul. But buppies got their Starbucks and crying about "representation" in superhero movies 2/