Senator Megan Hunt Profile picture
Independent State Senator in Omaha's District 8, Creative entrepreneur, Mother. Vice Chair of Urban Affairs. Bi queen. She/her. Free Palestine.
Jan 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I will say what needs to be said about @SenSasse, from the great state of Nebraska.

Senator Sasse is all hat and no cattle. He talks about American ideals of freedom and independence when it gets him attention, but when it's time for action, he undermines democracy. For example, Ben Sasse criticizes the praise of Q-anon, saying they push conspiracy theories, but fails to recognize that Trump *himself* is the one fanning the flames on these conspiracies. And what's he going to do about it? Nothing.
Oct 22, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I am still surprised that this Executive Order isn't getting more attention. It goes without saying that we are stretched too thin with fires to put out (many of them literal, hello California and Colorado), but this is a really big deal. On September 22, the President issued an Executive Order prohibiting any org receiving federal funds from discussing topics deemed as "divisive," including racial and gender inequality.

I feel like this has flown under the radar.

Read it here:…
Oct 3, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Early in the pandemic, after midnight on a day in April, Congressman Joaquin Castro of all people connected me with a woman living in North Omaha who was struggling to breathe at home and unable to find a hospital to test her for COVID. The woman's sister had been a @Castro4Congress volunteer in TX. Through the grapevine, eventually the Congressman reached me. I immediately started calling and texting doctors and hospital directors I know and found one place for her to get tested/treated--IF she had insurance.
Oct 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Melania‘s comments about decorating for Christmas resonate with me the same as Hillary‘s comment about “baking cookies” when Bill was running—that’s my lens. Her feelings about Christmas decorating don’t matter. Not the story. Melania’s cruel remarks about family separation is. I’m surprised I see most people picking up on the Christmas angle — I guess it’s remarkable given the nonsensical “War on Christmas” fabricated by the right to stake a fully unearned claim on faith and morality, but staff/consultants can do the holiday decor. Not the story.
Sep 30, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
His strategy is to take all of his time, and all of the moderator’s time, and all of Biden’s time?

This is just so bleak
#Debates2020 I am physically manifesting stress
Sep 29, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
What do you all think about texts from campaigns? I know research says they “work,” but the gut check isn’t there for me — I get way too many for me to believe they are effective. From candidates, from PACs, from nonprofits, many per day...
Sep 28, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread: I often comment on matters of local concern, especially when they intersect with racial justice issues. After James Scurlock’s killer died by suicide, the Omaha community was hurting for justice that we know will never be served. I made a statement expressing condolences for both families involved, support for the Black Lives Matter movement, and emphasized the role white supremacy continues to play in increased racial violence across the country.

Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
NE's prisons are the 2nd-most overcrowded in the US, at 151% capacity, trailing only AL which is under fed order to fix the problem. Solutions begin w/ acknowledging of the role of institutional racism in the disproportionate arrest, prosecution, & sentencing of Black people. We also know that the economic burden of incarceration far exceeds the cost of investing in preventative measures like quality education, job training, & mental health services. If we're serious about preventing crime and building safe communities, this is where we invest.
Sep 21, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
The indictment of Jake Gardner would never have happened without the community, the people, who stood up for justice and demanded action from city officials. Jake Gardner is gone, but the white supremacist attitudes that emboldened him are still with us today. There will not be justice for James Scurlock, but we can lay the groundwork for a more just future by fighting white supremacy and racism in our own communities.

Healing ourselves of white supremacy is so difficult and takes so long because it requires us to confront ourselves.
Sep 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Today's GOP solution to every modern problem is “more people have to get hurt.”

Food access
Climate change
Justice reform
Reproductive rights

Let people live! Let people have a high quality of life doing fulfilling things! What else are we here for?? From climate change to bike lanes, the GOP solution is always the thing that causes the most pain to the most people, so long as it somehow helps like 4 people earn another billion dollars.

It is sick to think about the level we could be on if we just evolved a little.
Sep 12, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Amazing, the public health outcomes we can accomplish when it comes to Husker football.

Month 6. We couldn’t even get testing in the Capitol when we had to finish our last 17 days of session in July, when cases were peaking.

That’s the level. And it’s not like anyone is more important—that’s the point!! If essential workers can’t get tested first, we are failing.
Sep 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I will no longer be accepting political contributions from police unions. Elected officials have a responsibility to hold officers accountable, and can only do this independently from police unions. For me, that means being off of their political payroll. Ongoing killings of people like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, inappropriate use of force during protests, and subsequent uprisings against police brutality show reform is urgently needed. And police unions are a fundamental roadblock to meaningful and effective change.
Aug 28, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Thread: This week, I joined ten of my colleagues in calling on the Unicameral to reconvene for a special session to take immediate action on urgent and unfinished racial justice issues in our community in the wake of police brutality and the pandemic.

These issues include: Image ✅ Modifying criminal law and reforming police such as limiting use of force against civilians

✅ Protecting employees from COVID-19 infection in the workplace, especially in jobs such as meatpacking Image
Aug 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Here is Lara Trump talking about how great the Trump administration has been for women. This is the root of the deeply-ingrained structural problem of sexism. All men benefit from the ways our culture enforces sexist norms. Of course, we also see women uphold sexist institutions. I understand from experience that the reality for many women is that to get ahead, especially in a conservative political arena, you have to turn your back on women to run with the boys—the ones with the keys to the club. They think it's the only way to the top.
Aug 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I see people are making empty overtures about women's suffrage 100 years ago, while in the year 2020 they actively work to suppress the vote. #RNC2020 People love to lionize and promote progressive work that was done in the past that makes everyone feel good today. Things like civil rights, suffrage, feminine independence, things that make us feel like we are making progress in the arc of the moral universe.
Aug 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Alisha Shelton is the best candidate for US Senate, but state law prohibits her from running a write-in campaign. The party can show what we stand for by encouraging voters to support her.

I am writing in Alisha Shelton. Chris Janicek should have dropped out of the race as soon as he was exposed for sexually harassing his staff.

Instead of welcoming a strong candidate like Shelton to take his place, he insisted on letting his disgraced candidacy limp to the finish line for certain defeat.
Aug 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The president's conspiracy theories have been incredibly dangerous: birtherism, discrediting American intel (especially re: Russian bounties/election interference), discrediting the election outcome, the vote-by-mail process, etc.

Where is Sen. Sasse on this? Nowhere. Silent. Let's judge Sen. @BenSasse on what he does, not what he says.

He's not a guy who stands up to the president, and he's not an adult in the room. Reporters seize on his spicy little comments, which are erroneous and embarrassing without action behind them. And there never is.
Aug 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
True. An embarrassment. @CJSenate2020 "Why is that?"

1. Nebraska Democrat Chis Janicek Urged to Quit Senate Race Over Sexual Texts to Aide…
Aug 17, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Today, Gov. Ricketts vetoed a high number of substantive bills all at once. Each bill, most of which were introduced by registered Ds, passed with support from the public and from other senators after making it through the punishing scrutiny of the Legislative process. Each of these pieces of legislation was sent to the Governor in good shape — years of research, hearings, amendments, rounds of debate. But because of scheduling decisions made by Speaker Jim Scheer, the Legislature will not be able to return to override any of these vetoes.
Aug 11, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Amid everything happening to Nebraskans, today we advanced an unconstitutional abortion ban to the final round.

This bill has no exception for rape, it only allows a cause of action for fathers if they are married to the mother, and it turns doctors into felons. Bill is a mess. When we normalize religious morality as science, we get situations like we have now in the Nebraska Legislature, when lawmakers like me have to fight losing battles to keep ridiculous notions which have zero scientific or medical consensus out of statute.
Aug 10, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Okay, let's take this argument seriously and address it.

Risk of transmission on the field is high. Traveling/interacting w players from other cities also raises risks. Bringing football back will also increase gatherings of fans and students. And classes are in-person. Last week in Douglas County, there were more tests for people in the 0-19 age group than ever before, with positive cases consistently rising. The age group with the highest positivity rate is 20-34. We're seeing consistent increases in people testing, and people testing positive