Radix Verum ☦︎ Profile picture
Independent journalist. Director and Producer 'Kidnap and Kill: an FBI Terror Plot,' a documentary about the Whitmer Kidnapping Plot. Christina@Radixverum.com
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May 13, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵

So @BankofAmerica has decided to "terminate" their business relationship with me. Their "risk department" made this determination for literally no reason. I have been with them for years. This is clearly because of my documentary and my critical reporting. They won't tell me why. They won't allow me access to my bank account or to the funds. They are telling me I will get a "check in the mail" but they won't say when I can expect it. I am traveling at the end of this month for my documentary. Now I have no funds.
Jan 25, 2024 19 tweets 18 min read
BREAKING: Whitmer Fednapping Hoax 🧵

The Appeals lawyer for Adam Fox has submitted his Reply Brief to the Government's Response to Adam's Appeals Brief.
Fox's Appeals lawyer argues that his Brief raised four assignments of error, and the government responded three months later.

Fox is now responding to the government's Brief, addressing his first two assignments of error.
The District Court abused its discretion by depriving Fox of a "constitutionally meaningful" Remmer hearing and the District Court abridged Fox's right to confront his accusers by arbitrarily restricting his ability to cross-examine Kaleb Franks.

A Court confronted with a credible claim of juror bias must undertake an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances. While the Courts have discretion, that is not infinite.Image
Jan 10, 2024 26 tweets 7 min read
I attended the sentencing for journalist @stephenehorn who was charged with 4 misdemeanors for being a journalist on January 6th.

Today's tone was markedly different from the Ray Epps sentencing I attended yesterday.

A thread 🧵 Image Judge Timothy Kelly was presiding with US Attorney Sonia Murphy representing the government and Charles Haskell and Marshall Ellis for Mr. Horn.

I had coffee with Stephen early this morning prior to his hearing. We talked about his journalistic endeavors, his documentary and mine.
Jan 9, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
Attended Ray Epps sentencing today - what a farce.

Thread 🧵 Image The prosecutor praised Epps "de-escalation tactics" and had a whole slide show for it entitled "Attempts to De-escalate."

Both Judge Boasberg and the prosecutor both claimed "he never tried to go into the Capitol."
Sep 1, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
FBI's Gov. Whitmer Fednapping Hoax:

Regarding the FBI's planned "daytime recon" of Whitmer's cottage, here is the FBI planning it, and wanting to "maximize attendance." Special Agent Chambers tells CHS Dan to "get Brandon Caserta to go" on the government's planned "recon." Image The government has repeatedly asserted that Adam Fox and Barry Croft were "ringleaders" of their fake plot.

Today "UCE Mark" aka Special Agent Mark Schweers claimed Adam was directing people and giving orders on the "recon," but audio from the same recording shows CHS Dan, CHS Steve, and UCE Red doing the "directing."

CHS Steve tells CHS Dan, "We'll put Adam and Barry together."

The FBI picks people up, drives the vehicles, even arranges seating.
Aug 10, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Let's talk about this. The criminal complaints is ridiculous.

Did this elderly man make some cringe fedposts? Yes. But that does not mean that he deserved to be killed during an early morning SWAT raid. Let's start with the breathless five paragraphs of drivel written like they are on some dangerous stake out. They are literally watching an elderly man who is obese and needs a cane to walk get in his car and drive to church. He then gives someone a ride home and goes home. They… https://t.co/sX7qRrz7sjtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The FBI wanted the Whitmer Fednapping Hoax to be a "multi-state" domestic terror plot. They had targets in 15 states and they used FBI informants to introduce the targets to one another.

FBI informant Dan Chappel testified under oath at the first trial. Here he admits he is… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image Here notice what is happening. FBI Informant Dan Chappel testifies he tells Brandon Caserta (target) that Adam Fox (target) wants to "kill" Gov. Whitmer. Brandon doesn't actually know if Adam really said that, Dan is telling him he did. But Brandon replies that Whitmer is a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… ImageImage
May 20, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
1. Here is FORMER FBI Special Agent Richard J. Trask, who signed off on the Criminal Complaint in the @GovWhitmer "kidnapping plot," getting arrested (while intoxicated, with blood on his face/chest) after bashing his wife's head against a night stand numerous times and trying… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image 2. Here is Richard's mugshot. He spent a night in jail and paid a fine and was "suspended" from the FBI. Image
May 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I know this might sound a little "woo woo," but hear me out. There's some very interesting stuff in the Paramount + show "Rabbit Hole." There is a lot of stuff in the series about the power of data analytics and there are obvious allusions to Cambridge Analytica. The show stars Kiefer Sutherland who plays Jack Weir, a brilliant master manipulator "in the world of corporate espionage." The show opens by showing how Weir masterfully orchestrates an espionage operation. He then falls victim to the same type of operation - and finds himself… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 7, 2023 21 tweets 12 min read
Thread on one of the #FBI's "Big Lies," about the Michigan @GovWhitmer "Kidnapping Plot," case: Image On October 8, 2020, the FBI announced it had "foiled" a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

"The plot to kidnap and potentially kill the governor of Michigan appears to have been born in a meeting held in a small Ohio town in early June, where 13 people from around the country gathered to discuss overthrowing state governments they believed were violating the Constitution." Buzzfeed news claimed, citing the FBI.

"Fox offered to reach out to a group of organized armed extremists in his home state known as the Wolverine Watchmen whose members had been planning to “target and kill” police officers."

"Within months, Fox and at least 12 others, many of whom were members of the militant organization, had helped craft a plan to kidnap Whitmer at gunpoint in front of her home, blow up a nearby bridge, take the governor to Wisconsin, and put her on trial for “treason.” If necessary, they would “just cap her” — but what was critical was that the plan be pulled off before the Nov. 3 election. They wanted to send a message to the electorate."

"That scheme collapsed on Wednesday, when the FBI, working with the Michigan State Police, swept in to arrest the conspirators and charge them under federal kidnapping laws and a variety of Michigan gun, gang, and terrorism statutes."

This is the "official narrative," which I will now debunk.
Apr 26, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
Thread 🧵

In June of 2022, I reported on the insane arrest of a man named Tyler Dinsmoor. Tyler was arrested for posting memes and espousing his religious beliefs online. He was charged with a "hate crime," due to being targeted by the #LGBT community. Image "In the early hours of the morning on June 17, 2022, Mrs. Tyler Dinsmoor awoke to find some strange messages on her phone and a couple of missed calls. The messages purported to be someone with the police department wanting to speak with her or her husband."
Apr 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm interested in hearing @adam_waldman's thoughts on Pras being an "FBI Informant," as he faces 22 years in prison on federal charges of conspiracy related to his involvement in #JhoLow's #1MDB sovereign wealth fund scandal. Image The 1MDB scandal has been a very interesting saga. Image
Apr 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1) Update from Adam Fox, the man who was framed & setup as the "ringleader," of the FBI's plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

After the first trial resulted in zero convictions and 2 men getting acquitted, the FBI, DOJ along with Judge Jonker turned the retrial into a clown show. Defense was prevented from admitting exculpatory evidence due to Jonker's bogus "hearsay" rule. Jonker imposed arbitrary time limit on the defense for cross examination of witnesses but gave the prosecution no time limits. Gov't threatened witnesses, juror misconduct, etc.
Apr 12, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read

Today is the 40th Birthday of Adam Fox, the man accused by the DOJ and FBI of being the "Ringleader," of the so-called "Whitmer Kidnapping Plot," case.

I want to share part of Adam's story with you, to show you Adam as a son, brother, uncle, grandson, and friend. Image This is Adam with his little sister. Image
Dec 16, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I have no sympathy. These hall monitor "journalists," have made a career destroying their competition in the independent media, pushing for the de-platforming and doxing of others - life ruination tactics. Getting folks fired, while they said "private companies can ban anyone" They cheered as their competitors in the independent media were silenced one by one. They said, "if you don't like it then just build your own Twitter," and "just build your own bank," they said. Now they cry and pretend to be victims. @elonmusk
Dec 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In the Whitmer Fednapping Hoax State Case, Gretchen Whitmer made a self-serving "victim impact statement," where she pretended to be living in fear. She knows she was never in danger at any point. The FBI coordinated w her to set up pole cams at her cottage well in advance... ..of the FBI set up "ride along," which had 2 vans rented by FBI, with 2 FBI Informants and an undercover FBI agent, with the informants driving both vehicles. The 2 innocent men Adam and Barry didn't even know where they were going. UCE Mark asks where they are going, Barry,,,
Sep 28, 2021 34 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: White Nationalist / Right Wing / Conspiracy / Alternative Media Websites and Organizations are Illegal Psychological Operations (P.S.Y.O.P.) of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and U.S. Special Operations Command (U.S.S.O.C.O.M.). Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. Image
Sep 27, 2021 41 tweets 16 min read
Cosmopolitan liberal journalists only know how to parrot intelligence community and pentagon talking points, socially engineer the gullible or less well off socio-economically, exploit fears, create negative feedback loops, confirm one another's bias and hyperventilate They are smug and see themselves as morally and intellectually superior to "regular" citizens. They show special disdain for blue collar workers and the "middle" America. They LOVE controlling and influencing those they see as "beneath" them....