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Progressing research | Providing Hope | Preserving Dignity — We do biological ME/CFS research at @UniofOxford #OxMEDiscovery
Jun 18 11 tweets 2 min read
Raman PBMC validation study. We have now collected data on samples from 86 individuals: 35 Healthy, 24 Mild/Moderate and 27 MS. Around 15,000 Raman spectra. Just putting the funding in place for the analysis. #pwme #lyme #covid. We only had 4 months funding and couldn't study severe's this time round. I agree they are very important to study. If we validate our 1st study we will apply for significant funding and collect fresh samples from all severity types!
Apr 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Could an upset liver be a key clue in ME/CFS?

Our recent results using a large metabolomics screen of 250 plasma samples from ME/CFS, MS and healthy controls has identified a consistent liver issue in mild, mod and severe patients. See last slide
#pwme The VIP scores show the importance of metabolites in our patient v control comparison. Blue lower than control, red higher. VIP scores > 1 are worth following up and may give clues on affected pathways.
We are looking at trends rather than highly significant differences.
Dec 3, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Update from Oxford

We were blown away with the interest in our recent crowd funding campaign. Not only the financial support, but the comments and support for our research efforts. Getting funding for research is a challenge and you have to keep going back again and again, making small tweaks to the proposal and refining your ideas. This can be tough and draining. Knowing people are out there backing us makes a massive difference!

New Initiatives: We have several new initiatives we will be starting soon.
Oct 10, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Exciting news: We have just take on a second PhD student on a project exploring factors in the blood in ME/CFS #pwME and Chronic Lyme #lyme. We will test the energy modulating properties of samples from patients in different cell models. @MEAssociation #LongCovid We will be use models to assess candidate factors including anti-microbial peptides, viruses, L-form bacteria and human retroviral elements. The project will further develop our diagnostic work bringing in our two partners and