PA VOTER (Marla) Profile picture
Blocked by Peter Strzok, Conservative, America First, One Nation Under God
May 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read…
1/. The continued crisis around elections in PA lays squarely at the feet of the PA AG, Governor, SOS both former and current, and the highly partisan PA judiciary. The pre-election, election law making of PA executives and Courts, 2/ as well as the Court’s dismissal as premature of consequential matters timely brought to them pre-election were egregious at best. With no evidentiary hearings, these same arguments were dismissed post-election citing latches. These decisions can’t logically co-exist.
Feb 11, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Most every argument I’ve heard so far in this impeachment trial assumes that Trump supporters are stupid. Make no mistake, I realized on my own that my state’s constitution had been violated when the Senate passed Acts that subverted the election procedure laid out in the PA Constitution. I realized it, was angry about it, and questioned it. Perhaps had any of the many senators, the governor, the lieutenant governor, or secretary of state, election office answered one of my numerous inquiries regarding the acts that we’re passed without
Feb 9, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Take a look at HR 127 Introduced by Rep Sheila Jackson (TX). From the Bill to be cited as "Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act" Title 18, Chapter 2 to be amended "Sec 932 (b)(1) Required Information - Under the firearm registration system, the owner of a firearm shall transmit to the Bureau (A) The make, model and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored" (3)(B) "Access - the Attorney General shall make the
Jan 25, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
With respect to PA election results, did you know that after the Act 77 and Act 12 were approved, the Secy of State made additional changes to voting law through “guidelines”? These guidelines were challenged by state republican legislators and private citizens alike even before the election? The courts’ decisions in those challenges amounted the courts’ opining that the cases were not ripe as the harm had not yet been incurred. As envisioned by the plaintiffs in the pre-election cases, post election it
Jan 22, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m really getting confused and concerned. China and Iran want to kill us, yet although our country is in debt, we’re taking yet another couple billion dollar loan to help China and Iran? When we have homeless, jobless, hungry and veterans - American citizens - in need? Help me out here...thousands are set to lose their jobs due to pipeline permit pulled, 11 million illegals already here will mow not be sent home, millions are heading to our southern border to be let in (and supported) on our tax dollars, I’m going to be labeled a domestic
Jan 22, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
And since last fall, under a democrat governor, I’ve gotten loved in my home, kids have no school, couldn’t go to work, couldn’t have non- household members in my home without a mask, couldn’t gather in groups larger than 10, couldn’t go to church, can’t go to a restaurant, Get hair done or find toilet paper, lost my right to vote in a free and fair election and was told mot to talk about it because...”conspiracy theory”, seen many lose businesses, can’t return to my country without a negative COVID test, but illegal aliens are welcomed, found out
Jan 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Governor, if the citizens of Pennsylvania have concerns about the election, and they do, you should be making it a priority to show us - PROVE to us, through full audit, that there was nothing illegitimate about the election. I am not a “Conspiracy theorist”, nor do I jump on bandwagons. I had a bad experience voting. I called your office, I wrote to your office, as I did with Secy Bookvar, and several senators. NO ONE responded to me. So now, when surrendering the mail ballot I got,
Dec 26, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
#WeThePeople #WakeUpAmerica

1/ 6 Watching politicians backpedal on stimulus is more revolting by the day. Insincere concern that $600 “is not nearly sufficient”, so now 2k sounds good to them. 2/ 6 All these decades, WeThePeople have been working our asses off every day, harder every year, struggling more every year, spending less time with family as a result, to support our families.
Dec 21, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ #Fraud #SaveOurRepublic Finally! If this isn’t the most clear cut case of”disenfranchisement” as our “courts” like to use in their BS rulings, I don’t know what is! Mail in ballots for all! Never mind that we neglected to follow our Constitution, and that of the US. Just mail em in! When that wasn’t good enough, let’s push it a little further, let’s not check signatures! Yeah, that’s a good idea!