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"Democrats will rue the day they forced this impeachment through the House." -- @LegInsurrection, 12/18/2019
Feb 15 12 tweets 3 min read
You argument is absolutely dishonest. What @The_WGD was reacting to was the insulting suggestion that somehow the death of an elderly woman in a foreign country was OUR FAULT because we, the U.S. taxpayer, didn't pay up. @The_WGD What you are doing, @sotruegrant, is dishonest in several layers. Among other things, you are turning a public policy issue into an opportunity for claiming moral superiority. This is the psychological root of what Thomas Sowell called "The Vision of the Anointed."
May 6, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
"Pretendians" in academia -- a short thread: Isn't it time that we stop playing along with university-educated people claiming their fake claims of indigenous ancestry were innocent mistakes? We are not living in the pre-Internet age, when researching one's genealogy required spending endless hours in libraries scrolling through microfilm records, etc. Anyone can trace their family tree now with just a few spare evenings on Ancestry-dot-com and other such sites.
Jan 3, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
So weird: I fell asleep watching ESPN, then woke up and switched to Fox News and was surprised that it wasn't all about Damar Hamlin. The sports world is a different world, I guess. BTW, I understand why some people are speculating this incident -- later reported as cardiac arrest -- was vaccine-induced. And I also understand why other claim such speculation is "politicizing" Damar Hamlin's situation. Hello, why is a potential health risk "political"?
Mar 26, 2020 17 tweets 7 min read
WHY ITALY? More than 7,500 people have died of #coronavirus in Italy, and the mainstream media doesn't want you to know why Italy was hit so hard by this disease from China. (Thread.) PERCHÉ L'ITALIA? Più di 7.500 persone sono morte di #coronavirus in Italia, e i media mainstream non vogliono che tu sappia perché l'Italia è stata colpita così duramente da questa malattia dalla Cina.
Nov 30, 2019 11 tweets 6 min read
Just a short thread -- random thought -- about female sexual behavior. @RationalMale has written at length about solipsism as fundamental to female psychology. Guys often ask, "Why do women always take everything so personally?" The correct word is subjective. #RedPill @RationalMale "Why can't a woman be more like a man?" Professor Higgins asks, in "My Fair Lady." Oh, perish the thought, Professor! No one should ever wish such a horrible thing! A mannish woman lacks the nurturing qualities which make women so desirable, and such a woman loves men less.
Oct 17, 2019 15 tweets 7 min read
This is important to women's complaints about the shortage of "dateable" men, in that women's unrealistic expectations mean that the only men deemed "dateable" are those with relatively rare qualities, e.g., above-average height. @RationalMale @RationalMale This goes to what I've called The 1-in-7 Rule: Only about 15% of the male population is naturally attractive to such an extent that, from a young age, they obtain female romantic companionship with little effort.
Jun 10, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Can we talk about "asexuality" in relation to the LGBT movement? Because I just stumbled across this Tumblr post with 10,000+ notes and it's crazy. Even by the usual standards of Tumblr discourse craziness, this is extra-crazy. Notice the assertion of "aphobia," as we are told that "aphobes come out of the woodwork" in June. What the actual fuck does this mean? Are there roving gangs of hooligans assaulting asexual people?
May 26, 2019 19 tweets 5 min read
Let's talk about the word "afraid" in this context.
How did disapproval become rhetorically conflated with "fear" or "hate"? Immediately, one encounters the "experts say" social-science response.
Mar 8, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
A vindictive bitch's tweet, intended to humiliate her ex-boyfriend, went viral. Expect her to claim victimhood when she becomes famous, not in a good way. Mercy is a virtue. Vindictive people are not good people. They never consider this: What will happen when the wheel turns, and you are called to account for your merciless cruelty? "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord."
Aug 14, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
Let me expand on this, a bit, because I think many people misunderstand the feminist critique of pornography, as I did for many years. Circa 1985, when Andrea Dworkin & Co. were leading the feminist crusade against pornography, most Americans had zero exposure to hard-core porn. I know that I was clueless as to what the fuss was about, never having seen such stuff.
Jul 20, 2018 21 tweets 6 min read
This is a very worthwhile discussion, and I hope you ladies won't mind some mansplaining.… @EverywhereErica @laalex2 @KaeleyT Mrs. Alexander is, of course, correct. Parents should not automatically assume that sending your daughters off to college is the thing to do, simply because that's what everybody else does.
Jun 30, 2018 13 tweets 7 min read
Short answer: YES. And I can briefly explain why.… @mmegannnolan @glosswitch @MeghanEMurphy @jessphillips The "male feminist" is a running joke both among feminists and anti-feminists. Like, dear God, #StopClymer, right? Why is this? Isn't it because the male feminist's motives are so transparently obvious? Yet he expects to be taken seriously?
Jun 15, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
There is a huge overlap between (a) the transgender population and (b) the BDSM/fetish/"kink" scene. Only a fool could believe this is not significant. Also, how many transgender people have histories of childhood sexual trauma? #Transcult: "If you don't validate their identities and support their transition, they'll kill themselves!"
Sane People: "Can we talk about their suicidal tendencies? Maybe the cause-and-effect correlation here isn't what you say it is?"
#Transcult: "HATER!"
Jun 5, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
Reading Ms. Spampinato's Tumblr-worthy anti-male diatribe, a few thoughts occur to me. @RationalMale… First, of course, it the "Atrocity Narrative" pretext: A man does terrible thing, thereby authorizing the feminist to write quite generally about ubiquitous male evil. @RationalMale
Jun 2, 2018 47 tweets 7 min read
Observations on "gender": The sexual marketplace is governed by forces that mirror the economics of supply and demand. Humans respond to incentives, but not all responses are rational or advantageous. Many of those in the so-called "manosphere" speak the language of sociobiology, although it's not clear that they actually understand the fundamental concepts pioneered by E.O. Wilson, Lionel Tiger, et al.
Oct 29, 2017 7 tweets 1 min read
Let me say this: I know Richard Spencer. I first him 10 years ago. He is highly intelligent, and just went off in the wrong direction. The "alt-right" is a reaction to failure of the GOP. I've known a few people of the Spencerian type. Their alienation was not inevitable.
Oct 29, 2017 127 tweets 13 min read
BTW, I try to ignore anti-Semitic trolls, but I am deeply concerned by their proliferation. Canary, coal mines, some assembly required. What I mean is that anti-Semitism is the bellwether of societal paranoia, a fear-based reaction to the loss of cultural coherence.