🃏PhattyMcFatfat🃏 Profile picture
We are renting this rock we call “Earth”, only to be whipping through the universe until we cease to exist…
Aug 9, 2022 • 30 tweets • 12 min read
My thoughts on the current situation regarding the FBI and President Donald J. Trump:

We as a society in this country have reached a point where each and every one us will have to look in the mirror and contemplate
#FBIRaidsMarALago #Republicans #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica /1 Where do we draw the line? The line that we will defend. When is enough, enough? Where we won’t continue taking this abuse we have taken by the political establishment.

#FBIHasBeenPoliticized /2
Feb 28, 2022 • 137 tweets • 31 min read
1) To get the Truth - you must start at the beginning of what caused the current series of events to unfold…@georgesoros first started a foundation in Budapest which aimed to foster the democratic values of “open society” as defined by SirKarlPoppers... 2) and supported dissidents living under Communist regimes. After the BerlinWall came down in 1989 - GS began to reposition himself, multiplying his "foundations" numbers in Central&Eastern Europe and former SovietUnion...
Feb 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1) What do @BarackObama @georgesoros have in common?

The coup Barack supported and George funded in Ukraine in 2014; then the corruption Obama implemented&funded in Ukraine from 2014to2016, the profiting George made through his “centre” - JoeBiden was in charge of Ukraine 2)Biden extorted Ukraine to get a prosecutor fired via withholding foreign aide $1B,They gave a Ukrainian oligarch $1.8B,Obama appointed a US Ambassador to keep a Ukrainian prosecutor from investigating their crimes, denying him visas to America when he wanted to talk to the DOJ
Feb 26, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
1) September 2020👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

bitchute.com/video/zDQcSY1Y… 2) $1.8Billion the US gave a Ukrainian Oligarch?

Feb 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1) @thewillwitt wait until you find out that US backed GeorgeSoros funded coup in Ukraine in 2014;ObamasAdministration implemented&FUNDED corruption in Ukraine from 2014to2016 with Biden running point, the shelling of russian speaking Ukrainians by its military.. 2)US gave $1.8B to a Ukrainian oligarch before Biden extorted Ukraine with $1B of foreign aide to get a prosecutor fired,US politicians sent their children to get rich in Ukraine,wait until you actually find the truth,or,
Feb 26, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1) @AdamKinzinger “fate of the west” interesting you say that,because the crimes, corruption and coup Obama/Biden implemented in 2014 in Ukraine?Because Putin may just have evidence that implicates the Political Establishment in the US? Don’t act like you give two sh*ts about… 2) anyone except yourself. Your no different than every single politician, y’all don’t care about anyone except your own pockets and how to line them; y’all are willing puppets to be controlled by those who are too cowardly to represent their own agenda. KlausSchwab, GeorgeSoros
Jan 10, 2021 • 35 tweets • 14 min read
1) I wasn’t intending to waste my time doing this but after a little under a week into the new year, I feel as though I may have to. This thread is going to touch on a plethora of subjects so I ask for your patience and for you to open your mind; you may disagree you may agree, 2) I just ask you to log it in the back of your mind because it may help you identify aspects currently or in the future,it may help you cope with what may come to be–there is nothing wrong with knowing info&those who tell you differently,only want closed minded individuals.