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প্রদীপ্ত মৈত্র (Pradipto Moitra) Profile picture AnveSaka Profile picture SRIDHAR IYER Profile picture Nat M Krishna Profile picture A Hindu not Sanghi Profile picture 6 subscribed
Dec 21, 2022 10 tweets 9 min read
1/5.. #WednesdayWankers Of the 1000 things promised in their manifesto.. the 1st thing that @BJP4India implements in #Uttarakhand is free coaching schemes for Muslims which wasnt in their manifesto. This is how Hindu-Drohi BJP screws & betrays Hindus. @pushkardhami @NarendraModi 2/5.. #HowBJPfoolsHindus In their entire manifesto for Uttarakhand.. the words "Minority" or "Muslim" cannot be found anywhere.. Yet.. the first action of @PushkarDhami is crawl for Muslims with free coaching.. Read their manifesto> parliamentlibraryindia.nic.in/writereaddata/…
Dec 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/2.. Football is the most NATURAL & INSTINCTIVE game & behaviour for humans..Right from the womb the baby kicks.. Even kids walking back from school like to kicka stone.. they kick it from a spot all the way home. Its why God gave humans feet.. 2/2.. You dont need a ball to kick.. you can kick a stone.. a water balloon.. someone's ass.. anything.. all other games are therefore "Unnatural". Football is the only NATURAL game. In fact, kicking someone to death is very popular even with the mafia..
Dec 20, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
More falsehoods from @sgurumurthy .. he has become as much a pheku as Modi.. and often ignorant rants.. No.. America doesnt lecture about multiculti.. Europe does.. US was always multiculti bec of its nature of origin.. #Mungerilals Even 100 years ago or more.. the US has had pockets of French, Dutch, Germans, Russians, Poles.. and even Chinese.. apart from Blacks.. long before @sgurumurthy was born.. So stop peddling nonsense..
Dec 19, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Fantastic by @EmmanuelMacron in comforting his team.. W/o a doubt France played great football.. Its just that one team can win.. Contrast with #CreditChor @narendramodi who whines about his FAKE stories & doesnt stand with Hindus.. #ArgentinaVsFrance The 2nd penalty for France was a bit harsh.. the rebound from the French player hit the arm of the Argentina player.. accidentally... but thats the way the game is.. Anyway.. Argentina deserved to win.. so alls well that ends well..
Dec 19, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
#MoronicUtterances of @narendramodi in the heat of he moment.. "India will host FIFA WC"... How?.. By more Reservations?.. You dont have a policy for anything other than abusing Caste & Religion.. so just zip up & continue with your nautanki.. republicworld.com/india-news/gen… Whether its becoming Vishguru or Superpower or Global Hub for Gobar... He uses even football for Lipstick... @narendramodi remains the biggest Mungerilal of the century...
Dec 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Even without such coincidences... Swamy is fully entitled to meet Tikait if he wants to... Some idiots ranting about it doesnt alter the fact that Tikait is recognised as a farmer leader by GOI & negotiated with & dropped all cases against him.. Some morons lay standards for Swamy which they are afraid to lay for the PM and his cowardly ministers who hobnob with all kinds of criminals.. Such ghuchiyas dont ask why Modi sends bday greetings to Sonia which she is an accused.. LOL! @rameshsethu
Dec 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Hahaha... @narendramodi resemblance to Clint Eastwood is striking... #NautankiPutra... "I know what youre thinking.. did he fire 5 shots or 6?.. To be honest.. In all the excitement I forgot to count.. But being this is a 44 magnum.. the most powerful handgun in the world.. You gotta ask yourself.. Do you feel LUCKY? YOU PUNK" #DirtyHarry..
Dec 14, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
From whatever Ive seen & heard of #Pathan It seems a story about Teen-sex where @deepikapadukone plays a 14 year old girl & @iamsrk plays a 15 year old.. Its like a remake of "Friends".. both fall in love & start a family in Afghanistan & raise their child in a Taliban office.. And then.. in #Pathan.. SRK wants their son to join the Taliban.. but Deepika wants him to become a doctor for depression... It is this clash over what the two want for their son that tears them apart.. Finally the son joins @NDTV & becomes a journalist..
Dec 13, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
1/4.. Exactly.. What @NarendraModi says is an absolute LIE... Here are some facts about Indian aviation for passengers... When Indian Airlines was the only operator.. they used to issue W/L tickets.. up to 40-50 for a flight.. such was the rush.. 2/4.. PVNR opened the skies around 1995-96.. "Private taxis" as they were called came.. EastWest, Damania, Jet Airways etc.. later Indigo, Spicejet also came in.. All of them during Cong regime.. To my memory only some like AirAsia, Akasa, Vistara came up in Modi regime..
Dec 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
No @RajeswariAiyer .. Every Hindu need not be ashamed of this.. You from TN and those who crawl for Modi should be ashamed of this... dont drag all Hindus when convenient... youre a slave to the biggest destroyer of temples in India.. A world coolie crawls for Pope UNINVITED.. and these little johnies think Hindus are to blame for missionary activity... LOL! #BrainlessMandliDancers...
Dec 13, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Dont go by the lipstick of @NarendraModi & his FAKE clout anywhere..
China is the biggest trading partner of the US with 51%..
China owns nearly 1Tn $ of US debt...
India's trade with US is 1.8% only...
Naturally.. Chinese get preference on Visas..
China is a bigger enemy for India.. than it is for the US.. All the imaginary nonsense that US is a great friend of India because of @NarendraModi is a bit hollow and not borne out by numbers on any front.. @cchukudebelu
Dec 12, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
In that respect.. one has to admire Ahmedabad.. Come rain, floods, cyclones.. I have never seen a power cut in all my life... Probably because Ahd power supply has been with a private co right from days of the British.. The only power cuts in Ahmedabad during floods temporarily is always in flooded areas to prevent anyone getting electrocuted by accidents.. @db_is_db
Dec 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is a minister of @BJP4India>> @SushilModi ... Hahaha.. The doledinger admits 2000 note was a foolish act after banning 1000 to stop terrorist funding & hoarding.. Comedians made it easier to hoard notes & realised it after being whacked.. If 1000 was an evil that caused problems... its definitely stupid, foolish and would take absolute morons to introduce 2000.. theres no justifying that whatsoever..
Dec 12, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
LOL! Ghanta vision for development.. Talking nonsense through your hat @NarendraModi.. Bharatiyar was a Patriot who stood for Independence.. and wrote extraordinary poems.. He didnt do any jingo nonsense like development or stuff at that time.. It has become a boring and stale habit of yours to shove the nonsense of "Development & Empowerment" into anything you write about legends.. sometimes stupid "Brotherhood" too.. the only thing they wanted was Independence.. @NarendraModi..
Dec 12, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Pappu is dodo.. thats a diff issue.. But are you saying bullock-cart era has ended?.. Half the rural population & farmers still use bullock carts.. Its as stupid as you claiming that Modi is taking India back to Jungle-drums era because he banged drums.. In old times .. news from the Royals used to be announced by drum banging.. thats more out of practice than bullock carts in India.. So Modi is taking India back to banging drums?.. LOL! @sri9011 Thoda analogy may change rakkho bhai..
Dec 12, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
1/6.. This is nothing but misplaced sentimentalism because of a lack of understanding of concepts.. An "Order" is a noun.. and also a verb.. You need to understand the concept first.. This thread is for you @raunakmahajan & other sentimental guys too.. 2/6.. When you feel hungry at home.. Do you tell your mom... "Mom Im hungry.. can you please take my order?"... Hahaha.. If you do that.. your mom will say.. "Cooking is already done.. eat if you want or go cook your own goose".. LOL! @raunakmahajan .. Why is that?
Dec 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
#MondayMendacity The biggest hypocrite that abuses taxpayer money like its a wedding dowry.. @narendramodi bribes farmers with 6000pa for votes.. Keeps extending bogus food dole for 80cr beggars & blabbers about wasting taxpayer money.. Mendacious Modi.. Dont give me all this BS justifications. LOL! There are millions of others who lack basic life-stuff.. why only farmers?.. This is the poor logic used to dole anyone & keep them beggars.. this dole is PERMANENT.. IRREVERSIBLE.. even if farmer does better..
Dec 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
What you say is right.. What France, Belgium, Spain or Portugal are reaping now is a reward for their haraminess in invading & looting African countries for centuries.. these countries are realising Karma is not a beach in Goa.. its at their doorstep.. Just imagine this @PankajSaxena84 The modern idea of human rights, civil rights, democracy are all made by the very mass murderers of Europe who have committed the gravest crimes against many countries.. LOL! India is a stupid clown of this nonsense too..
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
True.. India and Palestine have common history.. but only in 2 cases.. Because Abbas.. the secret brother of @NarendraModi is a Palestinian.. and his sister Qamar also originated from Palestine.... #RishiBakwamitra.. Even Irfan Khan's brother "YEDA" (in Aan) didnt talk as much nonsense as @NarendraModi.. and now hes happily modelling for underwears ... LOL!.. Maybe Palestinians came to Vadnagar to buy metals for missiles & thats the common history..
Nov 29, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
I doubt that... Hollywood was full of Commie Pigs right from the 1940s.. remember McCarthy's hounding of Hollywoodias?.. However, Hollywood has powerful Jewish figures.. Spielberg, George Lucas etc.. over 100 producers & directors.. So it wont stop them.. In fact... Jews have a huge chunk of money in Hollywood... so they can definitely screw anyone that is anti-Jew... @goonereol
Nov 29, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
#RandomQuiz.. Even if you have never been to this city in your life... You should be able to intelligently guess which airport this flight is landing at... Hahaha... YES.. Only at Mumbai will you be greeted by the long stretch of Asia's biggest slum> Dharavi.. just before you touch down...