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#RiseUp4Rojava Official international account International Network to defend the Rojava revolution and its achievements!
Jun 18 18 tweets 6 min read
🔴 Update - South. #Kurdistan / #Iraq:
Turkey stuck with preparations for operation in the Gara Mountains

As previously reported, Turkey announced a comprehensive military operation in the Gara Mountains this summer, but guerrilla resistance has foiled its plans

Explainer ⤵️ Image Earlier this year, AKP officials ramped up war rhetoric, highlighting preparations for new military campaign in Southern Kurdistan under the pretext of the "Development Road" project, a road, rail & pipeline route connecting the port of Basra with Turkey

Dec 13, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Update on Resistance in Medya Defence Areas, Southern Kurdistan:

➡️ “Revolutionary Operations” launched by People’s Defence Forces (HPG)
➡️ Turkish invaders continue to commit war crimes
➡️ Balance of Resistance in November: huge casualties in ranks of Turkish invaders

Thread Image According to a statement by the Press Office of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) Turkish forces continue to comit war crimes in face of stagnation of their attempts to occupy the Zap and Metîna Regions in Southern Kurdistan
Jan 10, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Withdrawal of Turkish forces is even more extensive than expected: According to the guerrilla forces in #Zap, intense fighting, especially on the region's eastern front, continues with unabated intensity. The resistance is unbroken!

🧵 with all the latest information ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image Except of Gire FM & Gire Hakkari, 🇹🇷forces withdrew from entire western front. The fact that they could't take/hold Gire Cudi, Şehîd Pirdogan & Gire Amediye is a major step backwards, as these areas are crucial for capture of Gire Bahar & the occupation's connection to Kurojahro Image
Aug 26, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
We want to draw your attention to the case of Znar Bozkurt, who is facing deportation from Sweden to Turkey. His crimes: Being Kurdish, homosexual & pro democracy.

1/9 Image The 26-year-old fled Turkey because he feared political persecution: when he applied for asylum in Sweden, he claimed to be persecuted in Turkey because of his identity as a Kurd, his homosexuality and his commitment to the #HDP.
Jan 5, 2021 15 tweets 10 min read
How the 🇹🇷 occupation policy looks like in different parts of #Rojava and why we have to strengthen the #resistance against turkish fascism

A Thread ⬇️ Image For years, the Turkish state intervened in #Syria primarily through the Islamic State and other jihadist groups.

After it became clear that the Syrian Democratic Forces SDF would win the war against Daesh the Turkish state realized that it would have to intervene directly. Image