RL Miller aka RLMiller on BlueSkies Profile picture
#Incendiary. #Divisive. #Disruptive. #Winning. Pro-climate, pro-democracy, anti-fascist. Founder, @climatehawkvote. DNC member 2020-24.
Aug 2, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
hi, is this on? I want to talk about the absolutely HOTTEST 🔥 TOPIC 🔥 IN 🔥DC 🔥RIGHT 🔥NOW, the single thing sucking up all the veepstakes oxygen right out of the room. Yep, permitting reform. You here for it? You a climate nerd? You on #energytwitter? 🧵starting now. It all starts and mostly ends with S 4753, the "Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024," intro'd on July 23 and passed Senate E&NR Committee (on a 15-4 vote) on July 31, which is DC-speak for greased lightning speed. ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Oct 3, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
Yo. It's late enough, and @emily_hoeven's column on Newsom/Butler is good enough, that I'm finally gonna say something on this. 🧵, beginning. and 1st off everyone who has thoughts on this, read @emily_hoeven column on how Newsom f*cked this up: backed himself into corners of his own making, grand visions with no attn to details, etc. sfchronicle.com/opinion/articl…
Nov 11, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
gonna spill some tea on the defeat of #Prop30 and you can start with this @grist piece but I've got more bit.ly/3tGo7Ix 1. Original backers failed to do early outreach. I know because they did not do outreach to me and I'm sorry to sound egotistical but NO ONE talked to the former chair of the Cal Dem Party's enviro caucus early and I didn't hear about it til shortly before CDP e-board July 2021.
Nov 10, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
hey folk! @ClimateHawkVote hardly ever endorses incumbents, but there's an urgent situation in Georgia, so we're endorsing @ReverendWarnock today. Donate! and short thread WHY, beyond the obvious. bit.ly/3zZTktF @ClimateHawkVote @ReverendWarnock UNobvious: Georgia is becoming a clean energy powerhouse and much of that is @ReverendWarnock's doing. Batteries for EV plants in Augusta? That's him getting infrastructure bill funds.
Oct 10, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Good morning from Los Angeles-adjacent. For those keeping score on the racist tapes, thread on who's called for resignations and who hasn't.
Has called for resignations: CMs Mike Bonin and Nithya Raman, who are directly affected. Paul Koretz, who's not. (more) CM-in-waiting Eunisses Hernandez and CM-candidate-likely-winner Hugo Martinez have also called for resignations. Erin Darling, running to replace Bonin, has; his opponent Traci Park has not. (But Traci Park has been endorsed by Nury Martinez, so there's that.)
Oct 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
hey folk, yest was a slow news day amirite? but at @ClimateHawkVote we endorsed @HillaryScholten in #MI03. Short thread why! but 1st the all important ActBlue link if you already know why bit.ly/3ChNEeN @ClimateHawkVote @HillaryScholten Things you need to know about Hillary.
1. She votes and she wants women to vote
2. She's had a respectable career at the DOJ and she wants other women to have career choices
3. She's female
4. She's sane
Her new #MI03 opponent... not so much.
Sep 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
it';s so cute* when GOP pols tweet that the answer to Cal's flex alert, telling people not to charge their EVs between 4 and 9 PM on super hot days, is "drill baby drill."

And by "cute" I mean "stupid, shortsighted, scary." Cal is just asking people to charge their cars (and run dishwashers, do laundry, etc) before 4 PM or after 9 PM during the hottest week of this year. That's 35 hours during one week. Do those things in the AM, right after lunch, at night, etc.
Sep 2, 2022 31 tweets 13 min read
hey, y'all listening? I want to talk a bit about Joe Manchin's pipeline bill, aka the #DirtyDeal, and about journalism, and coalition-building, and odds and ends of things. with apologies to @leahstokes and all the folk following me for Cal stuff, this #DirtyDeal is national. Big time. Serious.
Jun 19, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
short thread on @zcolman deeply reported piece on Big Greens getting more progressive, because even though it's a great piece he missed a critical angle politi.co/3N92rvE and 1st, it's a great piece and Zach has spent months on it. (He called me for background, many weeks ago.) Do take some time to settle in and read it. politi.co/3N92rvE
Jun 15, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Did California learn anything from the last drought? 'Gambling' with water continues. And here's a story of one street in Ventura County. Thread! latimes.com/california/sto… 16 houses. I've lived here a long time. Some original homeowners, lots of turnover. 16 front yards, 16 lawns when I moved in.
Jun 14, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
I will run for President on a single plank: Abolish lame Zoom icebreakers. And I will win with 90 percent of the vote.

Short thread to follow. and I hope y'all are reading @ryangrim tour de force on dysfunction within the progressive movement.

Me and zoom icebreakers is only a tiny part of that.
Jan 21, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
OMG. I am being mansplained right now on the subject of solar energy. a couple of retired white haired men are explaining to me that the Cal PUC is not following science, BUT THEIR SCIENTIFIC COMMENTS CAN FIX THE PUC DECISION. #SaveSolar
Jan 20, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
On a #TopSekritDNCCall right now awaiting @harrisonjaime. As always I will live tweet anything interesting. IF my questions get asked, they're all gonna start with WTF. So far Chair Harrison is touting the Biden record: BIF/ broadband, judges, record job creation #TopSekritDNCCall
Jan 19, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
hmmm. (short thread) I've been asking on progressive calls: why not divide #BBB into pieces? Manchin even says he likes the climate piece. Why not pass it? #BuildBackBetter
Nov 6, 2021 19 tweets 8 min read
hey folk, I'm going to talk a bit about the BIF that passed last night, White House spin, and whether it's a climate bill or not. And I'm going to tag it #325To1 for reasons that will become obvious. But if you don't have time to read the whole thread, here's the short version. You can call money for roads "resilience" and sell it as a climate bill, or you can just call it an old fashioned "infrastructure" bill. #325To1
Oct 25, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
on the #Tesla5000 road trip last week I had plenty of time to think about places where Tesla needs to be. And the rental car market is one of them. Short thread. Places where Tesla is:
1. Everywhere in California cities.
2. Sheetz, which is a PA-based convenience store chain. (Llike 7-11 or AM/PM)
3. Kum & Go, Midwest-based convenience store chain. Also 7-11/ AM/PM type) No, coastal elites, you don't get to make jokes about its name.
Oct 25, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
I've had a bit of time to process WTF the Cal Dem Party did this weekend. Thread, with a link to my original rough live tweeting 1. What happened: The progressives wanted a simple up-or-down vote on whether the party should continue to take fossil fuel and law enforcement money. We forced a meeting to get that vote. We did not get that vote.
Oct 24, 2021 33 tweets 20 min read
On a special @CA_Dem executive board meeting to ban fossil fuel and law enforcement money from the party. I haven't said much in public, til now. @NoFossilMoney thread! @CA_Dem @NoFossilMoney it all began when I served on a committee, henceforth known as committee 1.0, to address party finances. I lobbied hard to keep fossil fuel money out. And I won, and we wrote a report in Feb 2020.
Sep 13, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
short thread on Cal recall for national folk. Things we know but you don't. #StopTheRepublicanRecall

1. The NO side will win. 2. Earlier I'd predicted that NO (pro-Newsom) will win by at least 55 percent. Polls/ tracking show that it might be 58 to 60 percent.

Key context: Newsom beat the trashbear guy 62-38 in 2018.
Jul 21, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Very short thread.

@ClimateHawkVote is running a survey asking our folk, among other things, their climate bill wish list. Listed 12 things including carbon price/ tax/ fee and dividend.

Survey bit.ly/3kJKF7M @ClimateHawkVote and I peeked at early results (survey is still active). And support for a #carbontax has, to be blunt, fallen off a cliff.

Or, nosedived like a peregrine falcon.
Jul 21, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
this AM I went on a ranty thread on The Atlantic's latest bit of California-bashing, called "The California Dream is Dying," based on 1960s-70s tropes and whines. And I learned way too much about compounding pharmacies! A compounding pharmacy is someone who makes their own Rx from raw ingredients. Turns out it's useful for things Big Pharma won't touch.