Sid Zãdéy Profile picture
Poet doing science
May 25, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
@Jrvissoci @CatherineStato1 @GEMINI_Research @himanshuiyer374 @pushkarnim @asar_for_india Celebrating Global Surgery Day - a long 🧵

Future In 2019, I took a methods elective at @DukeGHI taught by @Drs. Fitzgerald & Rice without knowing that it would change my life. Their course on global surgery was the perfect introduction for the interdisciplinary nature & collaborative spirit of the field.
Aug 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
@pushkarnim @Sharma25Parth and I wrote a response in @the_hindu to Dr. Ravi's op-ed. A quick summary of 4 main points below.… 1. Minor point but that had to said & showed. In data visualization, axis truncation without a clear description is distorts perception. Differences appear larger than they are. We correct it here. Image
Jun 16, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
As much as I like celebrating small milestones & young folks (like me!) taking up roles, not sure if I feel positive about this. Unsure if people who do this 👇
1. understand what being a reviewer means.
2. Realise that it appears a CV padding move than anything else. Image Also, how do journals select reviewers? As far as I can tell, this person is yet to graduate from a UG program, has no public track record of peer reviewed research publications. @IJSurgery what's your criteria for selecting reviewers? How do you vet them?
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
@asar_for_india @CitizenhealthIN @SangathARG @SangathIndia @MHInnovation @WorldMentalHlth @GlobalMenta Image We used sustained cost-effectiveness of Healthy Activity Program (HAP) and Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP) for national scale up estimations. Image
May 22, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
What could be a better start to @IDMOD_ORG Annual Symposium at @gatesfoundation than Mahatma Gandhi's quote - "What you do for me, without me, is against me."

Crux of all global health, all development agenda.

To get updates, watch this space! @IDMOD_ORG @gatesfoundation @katecrawford is the opening plenary speaker for Data ethics & AI through the lens of equity. ImageImage
Jan 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
One more attack in thousands others. The problem is systemic. So the solution has to be systemic. In last 2 years, I have been part of research, advocacy, high level meetings, everything to end violence against healthcare workers in #india. Resources 👇

Why the problem is systemic