Jonathan A. Havens 🟦🎗️ Profile picture
Co-Chair, @SaulEwing Cannabis Law and Food, Bev. & Ag. groups | Cannabis, consumer, food/bev., medical & tobacco products regulatory attorney. Tweets ≠ advice.
Nov 19, 2020 56 tweets 53 min read
ATTN #CBD stakeholders: @US_FDA today holding scientific conf. on CBD/other #cannabinoids. I'll be live tweeting throughout. Not sure we'll get much insight on immediate path forward for consumer products but I'll share noteworthy observations. Agenda: I'll be paying particular attention to @DrAbernethyFDA's remarks at 9:05a (head of #FDA's #CBD Policy Working Group) and @DThrockmortonMD's keynote at 9:15a (one of Agency's principals for regulating R&D, manufacture & marketing of #cannabis & cannabis-derived #drug products).