Restore the Delta Profile picture
Our mission is to ensure the health of the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and Delta communities.
Jan 19, 2023 163 tweets 35 min read
TODAY: @CaWaterBoards Voluntary Agreements Science Report Workshop 10:00 a.m.
CalEPA Building 1001 I Street, Sacramento
Watch VA Workshop…
Register for Public Comment The @CaWaterBoards staff has begun with their presentation on the Proposed #VoluntaryAgreements, including updates to the #BayDeltaPlan.
Jan 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
For folks emerging from retirement to champion big gulp for Delta tunnel (mostly older white men who ruled over #CAWater for decades) here are facts:

1) Doesn’t protect communities that will experience 100% of loss of life & 80% of economic loss. 2) New intakes are not flood proof or protected from salt water intrusion. Our comments explain this.…
Aug 10, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
Comments from @spillwaynews at NOP Hearing @CaWaterBoards. "It’s nice of the Water Board to finally show up for Phase 1 implementation after nearly four years waiting for voluntary agreements that have yet to appear. Now that the Board is engaging, it should catch up to how much California’s climate has changed.
Aug 10, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Public comments happening at @CaWaterBoards Notice of Preparation Scoping Meeting for implementation of SJ River Portion of Bay-Delta Plan. From Delta farmers to Environmental NGO's to Delta EJ Groups -- we are tired of the delays, & lack of a full plan moving rapidly. We will not be tweeting everything at the meeting -- but will load up interesting points as we multi-task through the day. Reminder for press to listen in the background here
Jan 5, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Our Policy Analyst Tim Stroshane: "First, the Draft Order as written is unacceptable. We incorporate comments of NRDC, The Bay Institute, San Francisco BayKeeper, and Defenders of Wildlife into our remarks on the Draft Reconsideration Order. (1/ "We agree that the Water Board’s Order states conclusions that are not based on actual findings contained in the Order. Please align the conclusions with the findings NRDC et al have identified to have a morally just and ecologically reasonable Draft Order before adopting it. (2/
Jan 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Here is RTD's Delta Science Coordinator Spencer Fern's Statement at today's @CaWaterBoards Workshop:"On the topic of maintaining water quality, I believe that it’s important to keep the standards in place to help lower the amount of harmful algal blooms we see each summer. (1/6) "More importantly making sure runoff is properly managed to not give a nutrient load for harmful algal blooms to prosper. But, that’s why the standards are set in the first place, to ensure that the waterway can continue to be safe to be around. (2/6)
Jan 5, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
#ActionAlert: It's time to stand up for the #SFBayDelta at today's @CaWaterBoards TUCP Workshop! We need your help explaining that protecting Delta water quality matters and that this year protecting the Delta must become a priority. It’s time for change. Today there will be a @CaWaterBoards Workshop on a plan by the @CA_DWR and @usbr to gut water quality standards for the Delta starting in February and to leave a “temporary” barrier in place – that was to be removed at the end of November – that can interrupt fish migration.
Jan 3, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
#ActionAlert: It's time to stand up for the #SFBayDelta at the 1/5 @CaWaterBoards TUCP Workshop! We need your help explaining that protecting Delta water quality matters and that this year protecting the Delta must become a priority. It’s time for change. Image On 1/5, there will be a @CaWaterBoards Workshop on a plan by the @CA_DWR and @usbr to gut water quality standards for the Delta starting in February and to leave a “temporary” barrier in place – that was to be removed at the end of November – that can interrupt fish migration.
Aug 26, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
The Central Valley Regional @CaWaterBoards has reported that a recent collection of water samples from cyanobacteria #AlgalBlooms along the #Stockton waterfront contain microcystins up to 220 times higher than the “danger” level.

Read more: #CAWater Our ED: “We are grateful that the @CaWaterBoards continue to make water quality testing a priority throughout the #SFBayDelta and along the #Stockton waterfront, the most populated urban area within the Delta with CA’s largest #environmentaljustice community percentage-wise. (1/
Jul 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The sad truth is that we have never been more disappointed in @GavinNewsom than we are today. On the day that reports are out about the largest HABs outbreak we have seen, a rubric has been introduced discussing the Delta tunnel's water quality merits for the SWP only. We feel as if we have wasted the last 18 months trying to collaborate with @CA_DWR & the SEC because the criteria ignores the Delta reform act of co-equal goals. Nothing is being offered to solve our water quality problems. We understand the process much better than DWR thinks.
May 18, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
The Central Valley Flood Protection Board is floating a draft “statement of no objection” letter once again, without circling back to the #SFBayDelta community for full and robust input. #cawater Read more here: The Board’s return to simply drafting language for approval tells us that public participation will require Delta residents once again having to rally to oppose state actions that fail to address Delta community needs... (1/2)
Mar 3, 2020 53 tweets 11 min read
Tonight we are at the last Delta Tunnel Scoping Meeting in Redding. @CaliSalmon and the @winnememwintu Tribe organized a rally beforehand. We will be live tweeting the meeting and comments. Image A clip of the rally before the meeting.
Aug 23, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday the @DeltaCouncil voted to prioritize a levee investment strategy that prioritizes water exports over protecting human life with the promise of re-evaluating the plan later on. This is not good enough! Around 50% of the residents in North Delta Legacy towns are people of color; the poverty rate reaches up to 30% in some places. This is a significant environmental justice community.