Robert Saunders (aka McMullen) Profile picture
Author of "stranger and stranger," letter writer, advocate and fundraiser for biomedical ME research.
Caroline Struthers Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 5, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
My letter on ME/CFS in the Journal of General Internal Medicine in response to Sharpe et al:…

The history of how GET & CBT have been promoted, prescribed & researched is alarming. Sadly, these mistakes are now affecting people with #LongCovid.

In response, the authors point out that 3 clinicians resigned from the NICE guideline committee before publication. This is true but misleading. NICE’s minutes state: “The whole guideline was agreed by the committee … before there were resignations.”…

Apr 5, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
Wow! @GeorgeMonbiot is cited as a cause of #LongCovid (along with support groups & doctors) by Prof Sharpe in a presentation to Swiss Re, a reinsurance company associated with denying payments to people with ME/CFS:…

This could be a big own goal.

1/ More on Swiss Re and its connections to Prof Sharpe’s colleague and fellow PACE trial PI Prof Peter White here:… (blog by @davidtuller1).

Looking forward to your next column on Long Covid and ME/CFS, @GeorgeMonbiot.

Jan 28, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
Dr Clare Gerada talking about #LongCovid on BBC Breakfast this morning: “There is nothing that isn’t made better through exercise. OK. Nothing. No matter what age, what condition, exercise will always improve it.” 1/ Staggering claim from former RCGP chair. Deeply offensive & harmful to millions of people with illnesses that are not made better by exercise. Draft NICE draft guideline for ME/CFS specifically warns against graded exercise. Please correct & apologise @BBCBreakfast @TVNaga01. 2/
Nov 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
My letter to the BMJ highlighting the harms of graded exercise therapy and PACE-type CBT for people with ME/CFS, and calling on those who have failed patients by promoting ineffective and harmful treatments to acknowledge their mistakes and apologise:… There is also an excellent letter by Andrew Devereux-Cook which makes some very good points, including how chronic underinvestment in ME/CFS research may now be impacting on people with #LongCovid. He also highlights the important work of @DecodeMEstudy:…
Nov 11, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
1) Virtual conference on Supporting Patients Living with #longCovid:…

Wed 9 December

Speakers include: Dr Clare Gerada, Prof Lynne Turner-Stokes and Professor Trudie Chalder. All prominent advocates of graded exercise therapy (GET) and CBT for ME/CFS. 2) The new NICE draft Guideline on ME/CFS states that patients should not be given GET or CBT as a treatment:…

#LongHaulers may question whether those who have promoted these treatments for ME should be advising on #LongCovid.