You set the tone daily—
this is the power of your energy and your
and this speaks to your ability to create and control your experience.
We build our reality through our senses and our thoughts,
through our speech,
our actions and our interactions,
and through
both the company we keep and the demeanor we personify.
1. What we choose to consume affects the tone.
The “diet” of life is defined by our consumption of what we are fed daily—
be selective in what you digest,
and stay vigilant in prioritizing what contributes to a healthy
Sep 7, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Our “reality” is constantly changing—
but Reality is Constant.
Every new thought,
every new dot connected,
every distraction seen through,
every mental hurdle overcome,
and every new perspective we experience creates a brand new beginning…
and we move one step closer to
Something Real.
The only things “real” in each moment are the things we make real—
perception births reality.
Reactions are a consequence of a perceived reality,
emotions are a consequence of that same perceived reality,
and both help construct the world we consume and absorb.
Jul 20, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
A Good Heart is always worth it.
The pure hearts change the game that seeks to harden hearts.
Strive to be an answer—if your heart is good and pure, then let it shine with kindness and care.
Good hearts are the change.
Be best, and never let the world dim your light.
While it
is common to feel increasingly removed and detached from the illusion, there is power in assisting, inspiring and educating those still trapped into learning how to think and see differently.
What happens when good hearts do nothing?
What would happen if good hearts refused to
Jul 12, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Love your story.
We can often become blinded to the perfection within us due to the weight of our environment, or because of the limitations, hardships or trials of our past or present conditions.
Sometimes, we are forced to grow and bloom in spite of those conditions.
Sometimes our conditions create feelings of loneliness, of being misunderstood or out of place.
Sometimes our environment makes it seem impossible to flourish.
Sometimes the conditions in which we find ourselves, or have found ourselves, appear confining or restricting to
Dec 12, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Stay positive, always.
Choose to see the good in all things, always.
Strive for patience, perseverance and faithfulness, always.
Keep your mind clear, your eyes forward & your heart open, always.
Think differently, always.
Dare to look beyond what is happening.
Where true Reality
exists, deception does not.
Hatred does not.
Lies do not.
Fear does not.
There is a world beyond what is seen where greatness awaits.
Where love is bountiful.
Where peace is abundant.
Where Ego is dead.
If we focus on the show, we become lost in our emotions.
We get distracted by
Sep 8, 2022 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
These are confusing times for many people. No one is without questions, hesitation, conflict or lack of understanding about themselves, their lives and their place in this moment in time.
“Dueling realities" exist—some people are being pulled one way, and others are more or less
'stuck' in the old ways and simply aren't aware that there's a way out.
An ascension of consciousness and a clearer understanding of truth comes accompanied by a gradual detachment from our artificial world.
It becomes more and more present, and more and more identifiable.
Mar 7, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Strongly consider the "possibility” that nothing is random and that everything happens for a reason.
Now, apply that possibility to your own life in regards to your own experiences, taking into account exactly where you are today.
What if EVERYONE you’ve ever
encountered and EVERYTHING you’ve ever done happened precisely as needed according to God’s plan for your life?
What if someone was purposely and meaningfully placed into your life to hurt you?
To cause you anger?
To cause heartbreak?
To uplift you?
To motivate you?
To love you?
Feb 11, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Decodes will fail.
Predictions will prove inaccurate.
Dates will come and go.
The timing of events will continue to elude us.
But WE will not fail.
God does not fail.
We have no way of determining the course of the future as it’s set.
We don’t possess the ability to know what’s
to come, nor the foresight to calculate each step of the plan on its exact date and time.
The Plan is for God to know, and it is our responsibility to be patient and still.
God’s Timing is not our timing, and an elaborate, biblical plan cannot be easily deciphered no matter our
Jan 30, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
There remains so much speculation and indecision regarding:
Who is who...
What is what...
When is when...
that one can find themselves confused, overwhelmed and distracted by the tremendous amounts of information and misinformation that exists.
Regardless of your confidence in a
particular matter, it can be easy to feel conflicted. Without being trustful of your understanding, steadfast in your faith and unwavering in your truth, you can find yourself lost and overwhelmed.
Always remember, not everyone will see what’s unfolding through the same eyes, or
Dec 22, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Some perspective to keep Grounded:
(WARNING: lengthy)
In order to make sense of the World in it’s current state, we MUST view everything beyond face value. Dates may not be actual dates, times may not be actual times, people may not be who and/or what they seem, and the only
thing REAL is the biblical proportions of a reality which most cannot comprehend.
Nothing is given; everything is earned. Therefore, what is “given” should presumably be Questioned, because handouts are too simple when attempting to predict Divine Timing. We must assume God’s
Oct 7, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
REAL #faith doesn't require "proof."
Proof serves EGO.
Faith serves a higher purpose and a Higher Power.
We have FAITH in that which we cannot see,
and PROOF is only needed in the absence of faith.
"There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, nor hid that shall not be
known." -Luke 12:2
Faith is the understanding that God will reveal the TRUTH according to His timing.
When we release EGO and focus less on what we [want] and more on only what we [need], we will discover #comfort in patience.
We can find proof of God's work by how we choose to
Oct 7, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
We are NOT waiting for Congress to increase the debt ceiling.
We are NOT waiting on politicians to do anything.
Do NOT lose sight of reality in the presence of illusion!
The US Corporation is over and DONE. ABOLISHED.
How could ACTORS playing
roles possibly have any official say-so in how the "government" operates?
So many continue to believe what they read about Congress doing "this" or voting on "that," when we have been told NOTHING IS REAL.
THE MILITARY is in control, NOT the politicians.
Oct 6, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I takes COURAGE, self-awareness and a tremendous amount of inner fortitude to remain true to your beliefs and maintain FAITH in a World that drives you to conform.
Resiliency has made YOU/US the minority, and for that, we are the ones the World attempts to cast aside.
We are
the unvaxxed, the "conspiracy theorists," the free-thinkers and the resilient souls.
Our past experiences have brought us to this point and have strengthened us for what we face today.
While others FEAR what is to come and struggle with the unexpected, WE are calm because we