Sana’a Center Profile picture
The Sana'a Center For Strategic Studies مركز صنعاء للدراسات الاستراتيجية - مقاربات جديدة لقضايا اليمن والإقليم المجاور
May 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
بعد هجماتهم في البحر الأحمر، الحوثيون لم يعودوا ينظرون لأنفسهم مجرد جماعة محلية، بل لاعبا إقليميا يخوض حربا مع إسرائيل و #الولايات_المتحدة وليس #السعودية فقط، وهذا زاد من قدرتهم على التحشيد داخليا وتجنيد الأطفال الذين يسهل تعبئتهم. كما استغلت الجماعة الوضع لإصدار قوانين جديدة أحكمت من خلالها القمع والسيطرة على المجتمع اليمني.

هذا الاقتباس من مقابلة لميساء شجاع الدين @maysaashujaa، باحثة أولى بمركز صنعاء للدراسات @SanaaCenter، مع قناة بلقيس @BelqeesTV، قدمت فيها قراءة عن جماعة #الحوثيين والتصعيد في #البحر_الأحمر.
تلّخص سلسلة التغريدات هذه أبرز ما ورد في المقابلة التي يمكنكم العودة لها على الرابط:
Image شجاع الدين: في ظل الصمت المخجل لما يحدث في #فلسطين، قدم الحوثيون أنفسهم بشكل بطولي، وكسبوا جماهيرية خارج اليمن، لكن غير اليمنيين ليس لهم معرفة بتفاصيل ما يجري في #اليمن وأن الحوثيين ارتكبوا كثيرا من الجرائم وتسببوا بالكثير من الخراب داخل اليمن.
Jan 17, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
What fallout will #Houthi attacks on the #RedSea have for Yemen, the region, and the wider world? @SanaaCenter hosted a webinar with top regional analysts. Here are some key takeaways. A 🧵 1/5
“Houthis can bear these strikes. They have significant armaments, even if some of their stockpiles are destroyed, Houthis can continue to hinder shipping lanes for months. They believe this is their final battle.” @AbdulGhani1959, Senior Researcher at @SanaaCenter 🧵 2/5
Jan 19, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Research Fellow @hu_rdman writes about the attack on Aden airport on Dec 30, 2020, when he and other colleagues narrowly escaped death at what should have been a celebratory occasion welcoming the arrival of the newly formed Yemeni government.… At the #Aden airport, "the crowd was divided in two: to the right were #STC supporters... and to the left were supporters of the #GoY. However, the groups soon mingled and exchanged greetings... I whispered to a colleague: “It seems Santa Claus has been generous this year."
Jan 18, 2021 11 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: Yemeni PM @DrMaeenSaeed was the guest at the #Yemen_Media_Call during which he talked to over 70 attendees from int'l media, INGOs and UN missions, addressing the formation and priorities of the newly formed #GoY as well as the situation in Aden.… PM @DrMaeenSaeed: Missiles that struck a runway at #Aden international airport December 30, 2020, were an attempt by the #Houthis to target the airplane carrying members of the new government that had just landed.
Dec 31, 2020 23 tweets 19 min read
1. The Yemen Syllabus shares must-read publications on #Yemen. These include books, reports & articles, broken down by theme. With 20 book recommendations, the Syllabus is sure to provide valuable insights for anyone looking for a general overview.… 2. Our Yemen Syllabus contains lists of journalists, academics, and analysts who have worked and published on #Yemen (in English). You can find their Twitter accounts curated on the syllabus, as well as some of their recommended publications.
Oct 6, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: Our Researcher @hu_rdman writes how the #UN must take a proactive approach in addressing "the southern issue" so as to pave the way for an all-inclusive peace agreement in #Yemen, offering four main recommendations on how the UN can achieve that.… "The southern issue" is shorthand for the political and economic fallout from the 1994 civil war in #Yemen that created inequities and a sense of discrimination among southerners that has weakened the social fabric and strengthened identity-based separatist movements.
Oct 5, 2020 53 tweets 27 min read
We will be kicking off the panel on #Yemen with Non-Resident Fellow @maysaashujaa and Senior Researcher @AbdulGhani1959, moderated by @uOttawaCIPS Associate Prof @thomasjuneau in 5 minutes.

Watch this space as we will be live tweeting the event here. .@thomasjuneau: Welcome everybody. This is third event on Yemen organized by @uOttawaCIPS in three years. This year, we have @maysaashujaa as a speaker and @AbdulGhani1959 a senior researcher at the Sana'a Center with over 30 years of experience on #Yemen.
Oct 5, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
THREAD: Executive Director @MAlmadhaji writes that the future of the war in #Yemen will be determined in #Marib. As #Houthi forces seek to seize control of Marib’s oil and gas resources, local tribes lead the defense amid government disarray.… In recent weeks, the battle for #Marib has turned into a war of attrition, with the #Houthis throwing more fighters against multiple fronts. A recent reorganization of army forces has managed to partially stabilize the situation, but it remains tenuous.