Lawyer. @Change_Record EO. ACT Co-Convenor of @AusLawyersHR. Centrelink & housing law @cancommunitylaw. Prison reform. Climate. Feminist. She/her. Views my own.
Jul 28, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The Min says the $35mill will out "these historical factors that lead to a Royal Commission to bed"
It doesn't do that, because the NT Government has failed to implement the NT RC recommendations. In some cases, it has flagrantly flouted them. THREAD 👇…
Rec 10.2 - The Northern Territory Government close the current Don Dale Youth Detention Centre
❌#DonDale has not closed. Instead the NTG is investing millions$ to expand and refurbish the decommissioned adult prison so that it can detain a higher number of children
May 7, 2021 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
I think people might not understand what happens when you put a child in prison - and how it can lead to a bright, hopeful future turning into whole life behind bars.
First, young kids are usually arrested and locked up on remand for minor, non-violent offences.
Theft, property damage, motor vehicle offences - I'm not saying these things aren't bad - but they're behaviours born of need, impulse and boredom. They are not malicious or cruel.
So these kids are picked up by police, not necessarily very gently either, locked up &
Apr 25, 2021 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Head of NT News @DeniseCahill18 urges the NT Government to exercise caution when implementing youth justice law reforms that could impact generations of children to come.
It's not every day I agree with the NT News, but here we go.. #ntpol
Thread 👇
For decades, children around the country ~ but particularly First Nations kids ~ have been let down by Labor and Liberal Government's obsession with law-and-order state election campaigns. In fact, everyone has been let down - because our communities are none the safer for it.
Mar 23, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
I know everyone's fixated on Parliament House, and fair enough some horrific stuff is going down, but right now the Northern Territory Government is announcing reforms that will see the number of Aboriginal children thrown into prison cells SKY ROCKET.…
These reforms are so regressive and harmful. They fly in the face of the Royal Commission, and will only drive more children into police and prison cells (and if you think conditions have improved in youth detention since the Royal Commission, my experience is that they have not)
Mar 22, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This is terrible. These knee-jerk, highly politicised, dangerous law reforms will take the NT back to pre-Royal Commission days, filling up youth prisons with Aboriginal kids the way they were prior to @4corners expose on the abuse in Don Dale. #ntpol…
I don't know how to be any clearer: what didn't work then, is not going to work now. Making bail tougher, locking more kids up on remand, slapping on GPS devices.. is not going to keep people safe - it's going to criminalise more children and hurt everyone in the long run.
Sep 16, 2019 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
THREAD: Extremely grateful to be at this @Change_Record event today hearing from MPs, experts and an extraordinary Aboriginal woman Jess about her experience of incarceration #aisles#indigenousX#prison
Jess was made a ward of the state as a child, dad had schitziphrenia, mother had addiction issues, and Jess described “finding acceptance in all the wrong people and they made me feel safe”
Sep 1, 2019 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
Fascinating (and disturbing) to hear how Cambridge Analytica was set up as a front .org by a company undertaking social media research for military purposes. It then used the same kind of military techniques to target US citizens to influence US election @chrisinsilico#antidote
Incredible. Targeted people they’d identified as susceptible to their messaging, got them to turn out and meet up, until they created a political insurgency that could grow organically @chrisinsilico#antidote@IdeasattheHouse
Jun 5, 2019 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
THREAD: We have the AFP raiding the offices of journalists, intimidating our free press, threatening our democratic right to know, because @AustralianLabor and @LiberalAus have spent the last half decade passing laws that erode these fundamental freedoms #auspol
Late last year Lib & Lab passed amendments to the Espionage Bill which included extremely concerning provisions that (you guessed it) criminalise journalists for publishing about national security matters - even when they are in the public interest…
May 27, 2019 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
THREAD: I have been having some of the most heartbreaking conversations of my life with men on #Manus who see the Morrison Government's reelection as a death warrant.
"When there is no hope or light in life for the individual that makes the life completely different." #auspol
These men are saying that things are extremely bad. People are despairing. My friend tells me that people are self-harming with razor blades, overdosing and attempting suicide - they have lost so much hope.