John W Profile picture
I write about product management and product leadership and my experience learning to be a PM and building an empowered product team. Group Product Manager
Apr 11, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Our #product discovery process wasn't working. We had some wins with problems we understood well, but as we increased how fast we were moving it stopped working.

Here's what I think we were doing wrong and what we are trying now:

#prodmgmt #productmanagement We plan quarterly and were starting discovery about six weeks out from the start of the next quarter. This meant that we had to pick a problem to solve for next quarter, research it, ideate and validate solutions with users, and slice up the work all within six weeks.
Mar 6, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The business I work for has been transitioning from project-led, to product-led for the last few years.

Here are some of the things I've learnt during that time 🧵:

#product #prodmgmt #productmanagement Our customers used to specify what they wanted and pay for the project team to deliver it. This led to an unsustainable product with numerous features just for a single customer and high maintenance costs. These specs came from the 'buyers' and not the 'users' (we are B2B).