Stella Assange Profile picture
Via @UniOfOxford @SOAS Insta: StellaAssange
7 subscribers
Jun 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
“You stand before me to be sentenced in this criminal action,” Judge Manglona says. “I would note the following: Timing matters. If this case was brought before me some time near 2012, without the benefit of what I know now, that you served a period of imprisonment ... in apparently one of the harshest facilities in the United Kingdom.Image “There’s another significant fact – the government has indicated there is no personal victim here. That tells me the dissemination of this information did not result in any known physical injury.

“These two facts are very relevant. I would say if this was still unknown and closer to [2012] I would not be so inclined to accept this plea agreement before me.

“But it’s the year 2024”Image
Feb 5, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
The legal arguments in Julian Assange’s High Court extradition hearing on 20-21 February.

Thread: Image 1. Julian Assange should not be extradited to face prosecution and punishment for his political opinions exposing state criminality.

Assange is being prosecuted for exposing US government criminality including war crimes and torture.

There is extensive evidence of Assange’s political opinions on the importance of transparency in being able to hold governments accountable to deter future abuses.

Extradition for political opinions is not allowed.

The new evidence which emerged since the hearing of the CIA plans to kidnap and/or kill Assange further supports this ground.Image
Oct 18, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
Julian #Assange and I are signatories of the #WestminsterDeclaration, which launched today. Thread.

#FreeSpeech = #FreeAssange
Image Front page of @Telegraph reporting the launch of the #WestminsterDeclaration, which has been delivered to @RishiSunak

Oct 4, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
On this day in 2006 Julian #Assange created @wikileaks.

Julian is 52 now. He was 38 when WikiLeaks published Collateral Murder and was last free. The video shows the US army killing a dozen civilians, including two Reuters employees on assignment and the rescuers who stopped to help the wounded. Reuters formally attempted to obtain the video but the Pentagon refused to hand it over. The evidence of what had happened remained on US military servers until intelligence whistleblower Chelsea Manning sent it to WikiLeaks.

Collateral Murder had a massive impact. The millions of dollars that had been poured into Pentagon PR messaging couldn’t make the public unsee the war crime.


Aug 21, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Jan 23, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
On Monday at 10:45 GMT, the High Court will decide what will happen next in the case of USA v #Assange.

Here's what you need to know.

(Thread:) On 10 December 2021, the High Court reversed the district judge's earlier decision refusing the US request for #Assange's extradition on the basis that to extradite him would be 'oppressive' (s.91) because it would have a real risk of causing his death.

Jan 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: The UK High Court will deliver its decision on Monday morning about whether to permit #Assange to appeal the US extradition decision to UK Supreme Court on points of law of general public importance. I'll be there to give a statement. Follow my account for more details. The judgment will either:

1) Certify that the point(s) of law raised by #Assange are of general public importance--thus giving him permission to lodge an application with the UK Supreme Court; or
Dec 23, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
My statement on Julian #Assange's application for leave to appeal to the UK Supreme Court:

This morning at 11:05 Julian Assange filed an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court the High Court's ruling that he can be extradited to the US on three grounds. The High Court's ruling in USA v Assange raises three points of law of general public importance that have an impact on the procedural and human rights safeguards of a wide range of other types of cases.
Dec 9, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Ahead of the High Court's ruling tomorrow (Friday) morning, here's what you need to know (thread):…
Sep 11, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
To those who want to see Julian free: please stop suggesting there isn't mainstream support, because there is.

Denying that Julian #Assange has establishment and mainstream support is counterproductive and harmful to him. Our goal must be to make it grow by reinforcing it. The claim that there is a media 'blackout' simply isn't true. Of course we need more reporting, but the worst thing one can do when the goal is to grow support is to suggest the mainstream is hostile or doesn't care. Instead, show that they ARE calling for his freedom.
Jun 7, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Good article by @JoshuaNevett for @BBCWorld. What he's missing is Ellsberg's potential prosecution is as publisher, not as leaker, due to time factor. Publication is the new crime. The #Assange precedent, the first ever prosecution of a publisher under the Act, set that precedent In fact, the #Assange precedent means @joshuanevett is also prosecutable under the Espionage Act. Just like with the diplomatic cables, where @WikiLeaks was not first to publish, republication is a crime. US says WikiLeaks great global reach justifies prosecution. Like @bbcworld
Feb 2, 2021 21 tweets 5 min read
Please help compile a list:

1. Reply to this tweet linking statements and condemnations of #Navalny's conviction (tweets, official statements, quotes etc).

2. That list will identify people to write to demanding they similarly condemn the US indictment of Julian #Assange. Eg

Jan 23, 2021 14 tweets 18 min read
Nobel Peace Prize nomination deadline is 31 January.

Nominations are themselves protective, but a win would be so politically protective it would very likely secure Julian's freedom.

See thread for:
Who can nominate
Example nominations
Why Julian should win
Backgrounders Who can nominate?

University Professors
Members of Parliament
Members of Government
Current Heads of State
Directors of Peace Institutes

If you don't fit the criteria, convince someone who does, draft it for them.

Full list:…

Note: Deadline 31 January
Dec 31, 2020 12 tweets 11 min read
Lots of journalists are currently writing stories ahead of the court's decision on Monday about Julian's US extradition.

What backgrounders (articles or videos) about #Assangecase would you recommend they read?

#FreeAssangeNOW This is an excellent 'What's the big picture?' summary by @ggreenwald with @suigenerisjen and @Sulliview

Dec 20, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Julian helped jail pedophiles in Australia in the 1990s. He also helped Icelandic police convict Sigurdur Thordarson on multiple counts of child abuse. One of Thordarson's child victims committed suicide. (Thread)

#PardonAssange… Thordarson went on his child abuse crime spree while working as an informant for the US government. At his trial, he was diagnosed as a psychopath by the court-appointed psychiatrist. He was also convicted of forgery and fraud against numerous businesses and @wikileaks.
Dec 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Need inspiration for Christmas presents?… When Google Met WikiLeaks…
Nov 2, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Spoke to Julian. A friend of his killed himself in the early hours of this morning. His body is still in the cell on Julian's wing. Julian is devastated.

Manoel Santos was gay. He'd lived in UK for 20 years. The Home Office served him with a deportation notice to Brazil.(Thread) Julian wants to express his condolences to Manoel's friends and family.

Julian tells me Manoel was an excellent tenor. He helped Julian read letters in Portuguese, and he was a friend.

He feared deportation to Brazil after 20 years, being gay put him at risk where he was from.
Jul 28, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I spoke to Julian today. At any moment we expect that the US will drop its existing extradition request and then re-arrest him on the very same 18 charges, under a different extradition request.

We don't know if this means he'll be brought to court to be 're-arrested'. (Thread) The DoJ had been given a deadline by Westminster Magistrates Court to finalise any further extradition requests by 14 June 2019.

That makes the latest superseding indictment 14 months late.

It was publicised on the DoJ website on 24 June 2020, over a month ago.