Researcher. Writer. Civil Society Engineer. Making the world better one bridge at a time. Tweets are personal views only. RT ≠ an endorsement.
Dec 14, 2019 • 14 tweets • 13 min read
Today we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the community action to save the #FitzroyPool from being closed and sold off. My tweet stream will tell the story. #advocacy#activist@YarraCouncil
25 yrs ago, the Kennett Govt merged local councils and appointed unelected commissioners to run them:
Julian Walmsley, Barb Champion and Frank Thompson closed the #FitzroyPool because it ‘didn’t turn a profit’. @YarraCouncil
Oct 7, 2019 • 16 tweets • 27 min read
2/16 Silencing expert voices in the cybersecurity discussion space is a
strategy for weakness not strength, as any Red Team expert would tell
you. #CyberCon#CensorCon
3/16 The @CyberGovAU removed me from the #AISA#CyberCon speakers list
8 days b4 the event. Reason: my talk content was 'incongruent' w/ the
largest cybersec conf in AU. Yet they had not seen my talk content yet. #CensorCon#cyber#infosec#cybersecurity#informationsecurity