Sundance Construction Profile picture
Jocelyn Burzuik - President. Red River Metis, ex-military. #Cleandrinkingwater #whistleblower #herbalist #designbuilder
Apr 22, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 The Liberal Strategy of Race Wars - a winning strategy in Canada right now. Think I am wrong? Take a good hard look around right now, and you tell me that the Liberals haven't found a way to turn this disgusting policy of race baiting, and race wars into a solid strategy. 1/ 🧵 Think about it - the unity and solidarity of the Freedom Convoy is being systematically stripped away with every single new policy decision by the Liberal-NDP federal coalition. When I read JWR's first book, I realized that race baiting and tokenization of minorities was the #1 policy weapon of choice. Why? Because it works. Most of us are too naive to understand that we are being played. 2/
Jul 30, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Let's talk about Indigenous reconciliation - as a Metis woman, maybe my perspective is different but this is how I see it 1/ The T&R was about a few things 1) Document the individual experiences and allow individual healing to start 2) To bring about changes in how our GOV operates to implement reconciliation. 2/
Apr 19, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
There are days when I hate some of the work I do. Today is one of them. I have been deep into another First Nation project, a water treatment plant - that has been a complete fuck up from start to finish. I'm angry because there is no excuse for this mess. I'm building the "Claim timeline" - it is a list of all the things that went sideways, the actions taken to resolve (or not), by all parties, and the delay or impact it caused on the subs, and/or First Nation. It is a literal wall of shame.
Mar 7, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Today, I reflect on the utter hypocrisy of gov departments that shout that they are working towards efficiency, "green" building techniques, and pollution reduction.

My on the ground experience? False. 100%
And this ties right back to the infrastructure issues on FNs. Gov departments, and their engineers /consultants have no fucking idea how to assess newer, proven technology in terms of water or sewer treatment.
My email chains over the last week have that fully on display. It would make people choke.
Sep 17, 2021 42 tweets 11 min read
@MarcMillerVM @BowhunterJonny @sunlorrie As I see the constant chatter about progress with FN infrastructure, I can no longer sit back and let this continue without a concise, and detailed explanation of what we see in regard to both FN Infrastructure, and other infrastructure/1 We have a serious problem with the construction of water treatment plants, sewage treatment and the distribution of both.

For the life of me, I cannot wrap my head around why we cannot fix this. The Lib government says they have a plan..... /2
Jun 12, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
@PierrePoilievre @AlexpiersonAMP Now, I am going to talk about how poor, and lazy engineering is running our infrastructure projects into the ground. We have put eng firms on a pedestal, when in fact, poor engineering is destroying the industry, and costing taxpayer $$$$ Just sent to me - an email thread once again detailing how P. Eng's do not understand the process they are supposed oversee on behalf of clients, and have become lazy in how they carry out their jobs. We are going to discuss Issued for Construction drawings - and its importance.
Mar 4, 2020 18 tweets 7 min read
@222Minutes Ok, here goes: on FN's, there is what we call a FNIB done every year. This is the infrastructure budget required. A budget (based on Indian Act formula) also is prepared for healthcare, housing, childcare. Sewer, water, housing builds all under infrastructure. Schools separate. @222Minutes The budgets run yearly - April 1 to March 31, with budgets paid out normally in quarterly installment. There is a set formula, set $$ for everything and you can't move $ from housing to maintenance if you run short. Or vice versa. But the formula allows almost nothing on ops.
Feb 7, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Construction in any form is nuts. I happen to do both residential and commercial work and the problems I encounter are so out of this world. Today we had two totally different issues arise - and they are eye openers: Residential issue: we are doing a federal reno for Health Canada on a FN. Client house is lived in by older couple and 6 kids/gk's. GP is likely experiencing early onset of dementia and outbursts are starting to get violent. It's grumpy old man syndrome on steroids.
Dec 23, 2019 16 tweets 4 min read
As I read various threads today - I see that many have no idea what misogyny really is. Today, it seems easier to focus on pronouns rather than real issues - and this path will only lead to reversal of hard won battles by true advocates of women's rights. That path is misogyny. Initial fights were for the right to vote, the ability to take part in the political process, equal protections under the justice system, and the ability to have equal access to a variety of opportunities. This includes the establishment of a category for female sport.
Dec 1, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
So - I have interesting situation - I have to basically live my life without antibiotics. Been this way for about twenty years. Since I was young, I have had a life threatening allergy to penicillins, and all cephlasporins. My toolbox got very small due to antibiotic resistance. As time went on, anti-inflammatory meds were added to the list along with different types of freezing. A trip to the dentist for a filling left me with temp paralysis on one side of my face, and a trip to the emergency room for an Epi.
Oct 31, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
I see a lot of comments decrying the CPC's apparent "association" with various pro-life groups, and how that association is used to undercut support of conservatives overall. This is a fundamental mistake, and one that continues to erode Charter Rights. When you take actions to suppress association with say "pro-life", or Christian based groups - it becomes precedent to suppress association across the board. They decry the lack of attendance in a Pride parade based on religious beliefs. People do not realize that it is not just
Sep 10, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
@privatecitizenn I just went to a great conference on the actual signing of Treaty 1 at Lower Fort Gary in 1871. More enlightening was the timeline, and how those treaties were signed. If more of us knew the process that First Nations used to negotiate treaties, and what happenned with the Indian @privatecitizenn Act, it would change everything. The Treaties were about sharing land, wealth, resources between two nations. And, most CDN's don't know this. They were made so that King George did not have to go to war after again after the surrender of France. They were done jointly.
Sep 5, 2019 13 tweets 5 min read
#cdnpoli #mbpoli People keep asking me what poor oversight costs the CDN taxpayer (or MB taxpayers) when construction projects are awarded and given poor supervision via third party consultants, engineering, and Indigenous Services. And it's a lot. On a single federal project in northern MB - the budget to build a sewage lagoon and blower building - $12 million. The actual cost (and its still climbing) $40 million. Are you saying what I am? WTF? How the hell can one group be that incompetent that they cant build a slop hole
Aug 23, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
#mbpoli Empty beds save no one - especially our at risk youth. If a facility is there, beds are available, and the MB Gov is already paying the rent per month - why are those beds not filled? Explain that to a parent that is screaming out for help - and there is none. In 2017 - February - I almost lost my youngest son to alcoholism. He was out of control, and ended up almost freezing to death in a winter storm due to intoxication. We tried an intervention through AFM, and the emergency doctor called in the Youth Stabilization unit.