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Oct 21, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
EXCLUSIVE: California high school students stage pro-Hamas walkouts after textbooks instill anti-Israel, pro-jihad views

Students take up the cause of America's enemies because they have been taught, explicitly, to do so. 🧵… In San Francisco's Balboa High School, students donned keffiyehs and marched through the halls with clenched fists, screaming the same slogan: “Free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.”
Aug 3, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
DAY TWO: Part One - Trial of Andy Ngo vs. Rose City Antifa, et al

@MrAndyNgo testifies, Antifa disrupts court proceedings, and Judge threatens to hold individuals in contempt of court 🧵…
Image On Wednesday, the trial began with the Judge hearing safety concerns from Ngo's legal team. These concerns regard alleged threats of violence issued on Twitter involving @RisingPDX.

The plaintiff's claim that Richter, one of the defendants, has alleged ties to that account.
Aug 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: Antifa members are actively causing disruption in the courtroom during the trial of @MrAndyNgo vs. Rose City Antifa.

One individual is also harassing our reporter @KatieDaviscourt, as well as other members of the press. There is a ban on recording video, so we will provide more context when allowed.
Aug 2, 2023 27 tweets 13 min read
DAY ONE: Trial of Andy Ngo vs. Rose City Antifa, et al.

Opening statements and witness testimony from @MrAndyNgo was argued before the jury 🧵

Judge Champone P. Sinlapasai enacted heavy media restrictions, allowing only photographs to be taken during court proceedings.

The protections are in place due to alleged threats of violence and doxxing of jury members made by unspecified individuals, according to the judge. Image
Jul 31, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING: Today begins the trial of @MrAndyNgo vs. Rose City Antifa, et al.

Ngo is seeking nearly $1 million in damages from alleged Antifa violence, which began in 2019 in Portland, Oregon.

The trial is expected to last at minimum 5 days. Reporting by @KatieDaviscourt 🧵 In 2020, Andy Ngo filed a lawsuit in Portland, Oregon claiming assault and other injuries by alleged members of Antifa.

These violent attacks were caught on camera/video.…

May 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
NOW: Pro-abortion activists laying on the steps of St. James Cathedral in Seattle with fake blood soaked gowns, mimicking a coat hanger abortion.

Mass is currently in session.

Footage by @KatieDaviscourt Woman lays on the steps of St. James Cathedral with fake blood soaked gown. Image
Jan 31, 2020 8 tweets 9 min read
BREAKING: Far-left protestors and #antifa swarm the New York City subway system, chanting "f*ck the police."

#FTP #J31 Far-left #Antifa members chant, "how do you spell racist, NYPD."

#FTP3 #J31