Ted Genoways Profile picture
Book on José Cuervo coming from @wwnorton. Reporting @newrepublic, @nytimes, &c. Prof of Media Studies @utulsa. Editor @switchyardtulsa. @Beardfoundation winner
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Sep 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is me. Think how mad Gov Ricketts would be, how Larry the Cable Guy would denounce me (again), how all would say that the program had not only lost its winning tradition but now its connection with "real Nebraska values." Great TV.

Plus, I'm willing to work for half of what Frost got.
Aug 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It keeps getting worse.

"The FBI’s search... was carried out as part of the government’s effort to account for documents that one person briefed on the matter said related to some of the most highly classified programs run by the United States."

nytimes.com/2022/08/11/us/… "Investigators had been concerned about material from what the government calls 'special access programs,' a designation even more classified than 'top secret' that is typically reserved for extremely sensitive operations carried out by the United States abroad."
Aug 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Aug 11, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Years ago, I got sent by @MotherJones to Alaska to write a story about an ice jam that flooded the Yukon River Valley. @CuriousDukes did a radio companion story for @Studio360show and wanted the sound of ice chunks dripping and calving into the river. We went out onto the river with Andy Bassich who has since become a celebrity on @LifeBelowZeroTV. We waited and waited while @CuriousDukes recorded. Suddenly, a giant chunk of black ice calved and teetered toward the water. I yelled out, "Holy shit, look at that!"
Oct 28, 2021 43 tweets 22 min read
It's almost Day of the Dead, so I'll be sharing a bit about the life of José Cuervo. (Yes, a real guy.)

For unknown reasons, @JoseCuervo, the brand, hasn't answered my requests for access to their archives for years.

So please boost w/ RTs. Let's recover this history together! Image José Cuervo Labastida, the second son of Malaquías Cuervo Flores and Francisca Labastida, was born on October 9, 1869, on the hacienda El Pasito in the foothills west of the town of Tequila in Jalisco. He was christened two days later in the parish church in Tequila. ImageImage
Feb 11, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
To be clear: the source of the story, claiming that Trump and Giuliani had called Mike Lee on Jan. 6, was Mike Lee's own spokesman. cnn.com/2021/01/08/pol… And here's @SenMikeLee describing the phone calls to the @DeseretNews... deseret.com/utah/2021/1/7/…
Jan 9, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Let's review what we've learned in the last 48 hours or so about the storming of the Capitol. The pieces of the puzzle have come quickly but piecemeal, so it's a bit hard to see. But I think, when considered together, they point to the possibility of a planned attack. (Thread) 1. Trump promoted the rally

"For weeks, President Trump and his supporters had been proclaiming Jan. 6, 2021, as a day of reckoning. A day to gather in Washington to 'save America' and 'stop the steal' of the election he had decisively lost."

Jan 7, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
There appear to be two draft resolutions for impeachment currently circulating among members of the House of Representatives. There's a version being circulated by @IlhanMN.
Nov 15, 2020 26 tweets 7 min read
I don’t use this site much for personal stuff, but this concerns us all. Yes, it’s about my father, but it’s also about hospitals in Nebraska and masks and the #COVID19 crisis. This may take me a bit, so buckle. But let me start with a bit about my dad, Hugh H. Genoways. My father grew up on farms in western Nebraska but went on to become a world-class biologist, specializing in New World bats and rodents. When I was a kid, he was the Curator of Mammals at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh. (Here he is with a newly taxidermied gorilla.) Image
Nov 4, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
This is astonishing. I’m going to hold off on all proclamations about the American soul (and the efficacy of polling), until we get all the ballots and count them.
Nov 2, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
So Trump is revealing his plan. Pay attention.

1. He is closing out his campaign today in Kenosha, WI, where 2 #BlackLivesMatter protesters were shot and killed; and Grand Rapids, MI, where the plotters against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were arrested. 2. Trump has signaled this morning that he thinks that incidents of threats and even violence against his campaign opponents should not be investigated by the FBI.
Sep 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
#Big10 football players will be tested daily for #COVID19. Many meatpacking plant employees—declared essential workers by the federal government—in the Big 10 region can't get adequate testing for themselves or their families. Some have been denied testing by local governments. According to @leahjdouglas's daily tally: 52,018 meatpacking and food processing workers have contracted #COVID19 and 237 of those workers have died. Their "hero pay" has expired, and even at-risk workers are being called back to work—or will face firing. thefern.org/2020/04/mappin…
Sep 13, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
55% of #COVID19 patients still had neurological symptoms 3 months after diagnosis, including "impaired mobility, limb numbness, tremor, fatigue, myalgia, memory loss, mood changes," suggesting "disruption to micro-structural & functional brain integrity."

thelancet.com/journals/eclin… 15% of competitive college athletes at Ohio State who had tested positive for #COVID19 but suffered few or no symptoms displayed cardiac magnetic resonance results suggestive of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), supporting a study at Penn State.

Sep 4, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
To me, these things all fit together fine. Kelly wanted Trump to go to Belleau Wood (which makes sense, not like Trump would know what it is). Melania liked the idea, because it would be a way to make Trump look more humane. But then, weather didn't allow for a helicopter flight. BUT... None of that precludes Trump (who Sarah Sanders described as being in a "royal funk" after the midterm election thrashing) from making a phone call to Melania, as he said last night, getting an earful, and then petulantly saying that he never wanted to go anyway.
Sep 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
So a few obvious ways that systemic racism works in Nebraska right now... First, you start by invoking the names of Jacob Blake and George Floyd but don't mention James Scurlock. theguardian.com/us-news/2020/j…
Jul 30, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
Today, Nebraska's state senators voted against introduction of a bill to protect meatpacking workers from Covid-19. They voted against even hearing from workers, against @TonyVargas's plea to see "if there is anything we can do." (THREAD) journalstar.com/legislature/se… Nearly 5,000 meatpacking workers have tested positive for Covid-19 in Nebraska—1 in 5 of the state's cases. Twenty-two have died. @TomBrewerForNe worried what impact protecting workers would have on the beef industry. Steve Erdman blamed workers themselves for getting sick.
May 29, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
My wife and I used to less than six blocks from where George Floyd was killed. It's been a long time, but even in those days, the neighborhood was desperate. There's not much that I can add to the conversation about what has happened or needs to happen next—but one observation... In our three years on Chicago Ave, there were three murders on our block. We were burglarized (while home). There was a crack dealer who liked to set up along our front fence. But we were always ambivalent about calling police, because their presence ALWAYS made things worse.
May 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Sorry for confusion. Here's the story: Hundreds of people showed up at Smithfield to demand that the plant be closed for 2 weeks. Word among workers was that the line was halted this morning—to prevent a possible walkout, to begin deep cleaning? Not sure. For those saying this doesn't look like much: Crete is a town of 7,000 people. There were more than 150 cars, each carrying multiple people. Loaded minivans, etc. Hundreds of people, many plant employees.
Apr 15, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
From 2008 to 2014, I worked on a book about an outbreak at a @HormelFoods pork processing plant in Austin, MN, and how it was tied to strain exerted on the supply chain by increased line speeds. Some people are asking my opinion on what's happening now. THREAD I don't have an epidemiological knowledge of what is happening in meatpacking plants, but I do want to highlight one occupational factor to consider. And the case I worked on is relevant in one way: it was spread via exposure to aerosolized matter. motherjones.com/politics/2011/…
Jan 22, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
My son's history class is learning about L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz (1900)—and the farm crisis of the 1890s, which underpins the narrative. And it occurred to me that many (especially outside of the West) may not know about this. So… We're off to see the Wizard! (THREAD) First the basics: Railroad expansion in the 1870s opened up huge tracts of land in the West & new machinery made it possible to farm w/ less human labor. Grain prices plummeted. The Coinage Act of 1873 made things worse by eliminating the silver dollar, reducing available capital
Nov 26, 2019 11 tweets 4 min read
I've really wrestled with this—but I'm sharing this deeply disappointing interview with James M. McPherson, because I think it's important to read and understand its huge academic shortcoming and blindspots. McPherson profoundly misreads #1619Project. wsws.org/en/articles/20… I say this as: 1. someone with a (largely unused) PhD with a specialization in Civil War print culture, and 2. someone who has found McPherson's Civil War research to be mostly insightful and thorough. But this LONG interview is disturbingly un-informed and ill-considered.