Thierry Breton Profile picture
Entrepreneur. Teacher. Policy Maker 🇫🇷🇪🇺
Oct 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Early next year (Q1 2024) we will present a European #DefenceIndustry strategy 🇪🇺

This is important. Facing the new security realities, Europe must enhance its defence #readiness.

The defence industry must adapt: deliver more & faster.

#EUDefence Image Availability of defence equipment — in time & in volume — has become a condition of our defence #readiness

Our objectives are clear:

✔️Consolidate short-term achievements (ASAP & EDIRPA) into structural support to EU defence industry (joint acquisition & production capacity)
Aug 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
As of tomorrow, the #DSA becomes legally enforceable.

Very large online platforms & search engines have had enough time to adapt to their new #obligations.

We offered ‘#StressTests’ to help them understand their requirements.

The real test begins now.

🧵⤵️ Image 1️⃣ #Enforcement

My services & I will thoroughly enforce the DSA, and fully use our new powers to #investigate & #sanction platforms where warranted.

Complying with the DSA is not a punishment — it is an #opportunity for platforms to reinforce their trustworthiness.
Nov 16, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Social media platforms will no longer behave like they are “too big to care”.
Whether they have feathers or not 🐦

As #DSA enters into force today, these are the 4️⃣ steps ahead for digital platforms to comply with our 🇪🇺 rules

🧵 Image 1⃣ Transparency on numbers 👀
By 17 February 2023, online platforms will have to report the number of their active end users.

Based on these numbers, we will assess if they are:

✔️Very Large Online Platforms

✔️Very Large Online Search Engines #VLOSEs
Oct 27, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
Le Digital Services Act (#DSA) est publié aujourd’hui au Journal Officiel! 📖
Ce texte majeur fera d’Internet un espace plus sûr pour tous les citoyens européens.
Retour sur son adoption dans un délai record — un sprint en 7⃣ étapes
🧵 1⃣


Présentation de la proposition de la Commission 🇪🇺
Après une très large consultation (3000 réponses d’entreprises, ONG et institutions), présentation du #DSA et du #DMA par la Commission — qui est l’exécutif européen.
C’est le début du procédé législatif.
Apr 22, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
Today might be D-Day for the Digital Services Act!

Together with the European Parliament & Council, the Commission has worked in record time to protect 🇪🇺 citizens online.

Here are the 10 things you need to know about the #DSA ahead of our (hopefully) final trilogue.

🧵⤵️ 1️⃣ With great power comes great responsibility 🕷
The DSA is setting clear, harmonised #obligations for platforms – proportionate to size, impact & risk.