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Bit of This, Bit of That. Humanitarian, Rocket Scientist, Astrophysicist, Author, Researcher, Billionaire, Avid Reader, Philanthropist, Entrepreneur, Liar.
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Feb 6, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
1- Caste system wasn’t just oppressive, it was also pervasive, manipulative, coercion.
The theories of Karma, the ‘Birth from the toe’, the ‘Sins of past lives’ etc were used by the ‘philosophers’ to manipulate the victims into believing they deserved their fate. #Thread Slavery lasted in Europe for thousands of years. Trans Atlantic slave trade in America lasted for 250 years
Despite of the fact that these slaves were not manipulated and preconditioned to believe that ‘they deserved it due to past life sins’.
Does that mean slavery didn’t exist?
Feb 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Context: when a woman gives birth by a cesarean section, the surgeon (“Gyne babes” for this anesthesia trainee) asks the anesthetist to inject Oxytocin at certain time. This helps uterus contract to control bleeding from the uterus. This bleeding can be life threatening. #Thread The operating obstetrician has no objective measure of whether oxytocin injection is given to the woman giving birth. The uterine tone is ‘felt’ but the actual effect is in blood loss.
May 24, 2021 28 tweets 10 min read
The suggested pathology of #Mucormycosis is a unique recipe that #Covid has brought together.
There are many reasons it doesn’t happen more often or in all chronic Steroid using patients. Covid infection causes thrombosis- which means blood clots within small blood vessels. That’s why appropriate cases are given anti-coagulation therapy like heparin/enoxiparin.
High dose steroid also contributes to this coagulopathy. #Mucormycosis
May 23, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
So there is this ‘shaven sikh’ NRI family, they’re ‘more sikh than Nanak’, so to say, since the farmer protests. It’s been interesting to see their actions for last few months.
First, they’re not ‘religious’ at all. Heavy drinkers, indulge in all sorts of ‘proteins’ like me… Ever since the farmer protests, you see very regular ‘How Sikhs are great’ and farmer eulogies, religious pride and praise of the convenient Gurus in their social media presence- Insta and FB.
A very distinct feature- they absolutely avoid all mention of ‘Some Gurus’.
Mar 18, 2021 16 tweets 9 min read
Shocking news from Gujarat. #AmarJoshi a Brahmin in Gujarat’s Muslim dominant village had his farm encroached by one Aslam and when he filed a case, the cop was one PSI Khan.
Then a mob attacked Joshi at his home, murdered him with sword and injured his daughter.
#Thread The people who encroached #AmarJoshi ‘s land are connected. The Police Sub-inspectora was Khan is their relative. Another one in the family - one Moyina Bi won the municipal elections as a corporator. Their mob while celebrating victory attacked #AmarJoshi’s home and killed him.