It's dissertation unembargo day! My PhD dissy, "Controlling the Northern Seas: The Influence of Exclusive Economic Zones on the Development of
Norwegian, Danish, and Canadian Naval Forces," is now available:…
A quick guide follows: 1/7
First half (139 pages) consists of the theory chapters; discusses/defines #seapower, #seacontrol, and #smallnavies. Tries to unify different uses of those terms into something consistent. Almost Gorkan in its simplicity but the gruntwork keeps a measure of order in the chaos. 2/7
Apr 2, 2020 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
A rare #Thread: The great irony of all the positive coverage of #3DPrinting for making face shield headbands is that it's literally the least efficient use of that technology and older conventional manufacturing methods could do the same way faster & cheaper. So why? 1/10
A form of additive manufacturing, 3DP's advantage over conventional manufacturing is it costs the same and takes just as long to produce UNIQUE items as it does to create identical items, assuming same volume. 2/10