Tom Engel Profile picture
Lawyer (criminal defence, civil rights), President Canadian Prison Law Association, North River Ranger, Lead Vocals UC Law Gastroelectric Kazoo Band
Feb 21, 2022 19 tweets 8 min read
1. “Tuel was carrying a long metal stick but didn’t drop it when asked by police, she said. As Tuel approached the officers, police released a service dog. Tuel hit the dog with the stick and police reacted by shooting him four times, she said.”… 2. Here is the video of the event:

I break it down as follows:

1.There are at least 3 CPS vehicles there and Tuel is surrounded
Jan 2, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
1. Let's try to bring some perspective to this tragic death.

First, if anyone ever wanted a better illustration of the #doublestandards applied to cases where a police officer is injured or killed, compared to when a #Police officer injures of kills ...… 2. ... a member of the public, look no further. The investigation was not even complete (and still isn't) when, within hours, @CalgaryPolice, presumably with the agreement of the Crown, laid 1st degree murder charges against the driver AND the passenger. #Cops and jail ...
Dec 31, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
1. I 100% support @DMMcFee on this but this has been tried before, with no meaningful outcomes. As I explain in @JeremyAppel1025's story, it must be coupled with strong deterrent disciplinary action ...
#Indigenous #bipoc #SystemicRacism #Police… 2. ... Examples. 2005 revelation of 2002 EPS Racist email eventually led to restorative justice measures... Image