Tomer Strolight Profile picture
Bitcoin. Humility. Low time preference. Honor.
Mar 31, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ Sophistry is "the use of clever but false arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving."

You'll find plenty of modern-day Sophists in crypto.

A short thread on sophistry in crypto:🧵👇 2/ For some, sophistry is about financial gain. They want your money and they're prepared to trick you to get it. They find it easier to fool you than to provide you with something of value in exchange.
Jan 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1. Twitter's algo has been showing me a lot of .eth stuff lately.

2. That .eth narrative is pivoting rapidly, searching for something salient.

3. It is all attempts at undermining #Bitcoin with eth's strange rationalizations.

👇 (more...) 4. First, they tried saying "Bitcoin's security budget will become too small in 20-40 years."
Bitcoiners replied "Probably not, but if there's a problem surfacing then, Bitcoiners can fix it then, and there's no reason to fix now what doesn't appear to be broken."
Sep 25, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Politics is a power struggle to change the rules.

Eg, democracy goes: "If elected I promise to change rules to the benefit of my voters."

We live in a world of people always changing the rules to benefit themselves by seeking power.

This is politics. 2/ #Bitcoin is rules that don't change:

Not by elections, not by decrees, not through war, not through violence.

It offers an alternative: A world where people live in peace because there is no struggle to change the rules.

It is the anti-political, the anti-war.
Aug 27, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
We may be headed soon into a major “moment of truth” for the “crypto” space. It is inevitable eventually. But it may come very soon.

For years, people have warned, regarding Bitcoin and Crypto, “The government will stop it.”

Bitcoin has taken this warning very seriously. 2/
Bitcoin has done everything conceivable to be unstoppable.

It has avoided violating laws that would jeopardize its users.

It has remained leaderless, employee-less, unfunded, disorganized, permission-less, and headquarters-less.
Aug 11, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 The reason many of us become bitcoiners is our love for Bitcoin's truth and beauty.

Then we are drawn into debates with non-bitcoiners, and accused of toxicity.

That's what my latest opinion piece in @BitcoinMagazine addresses:… 2/5 The beauty of #Bitcoin is undeniable to those who make the honest effort to understand it.

It is rooted in deep, profound truths assembled with an elegance and simplicity seen nowhere else.

Among others, bitcoiners can revel in its beauty and our mutual love of each other.
Jul 16, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
If you see someone twisting the truth, sometimes you just got call them out.

So I’m gonna quickly do a thread here on Tezos Co-Founder Kathleen Breitman’s recent 5 minute Bloomberg appearance where she critiqued Bitcoin Proof-of-Work mining.

You may not have heard much of Tezos.

It’s ranked 36th on coinmarketcap at $1.4 billion, but is 65th in volume with only $40 million across all exchanges - less than 3% of circulating supply, meaning it's pretty illiquid (#BTC is 580 times as liquid).
Jul 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 🧵
#Bitcoin is changing/shifting the culture from left-brain led thinking to right-brain led imagining.

The left brain is surrendering, submitting to the right, finally, after all these centuries.

Instead of holding back the imagination, it is letting the imagination lead. 2/5
This may be the first time in recorded history where right-brained thinking will dominate.

All philosophy until now w/just a few exceptions has been focussed on understanding, mastering and using our left brain - logic, math, science.

It's been a useful foundation.
May 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you think #Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency in the crypto space, I ask that you consider this alternate hypothesis:

Bitcoin is the only legitimate digital asset, in a class all its own, and all other “cryptos” are flawed imitations.

Here’s some thoughts to get you started: 1) Bitcoin was not created by some group of insiders to enrich themselves - your crypto token was.
2) everything in Bitcoin is verifiable and verification is encouraged - trust in the leadership team is asked for in almost all cryptos.
May 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I've got a new article that explores the connection between #Bitcoin and Empire.



n. an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress. 2/5
You know you're in an Empire's territory by the coin or currency people there use. Image
Mar 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ I know it feels like forever ago, but here in Canada, Trudeau was able to turn public sentiment against the trucker protest by accusing them of being nazis, misogynists, homophobes, and more. 👇 2/ Those protestors found this bald lie so preposterous that they didn't vehemently and repeatedly deny it. They thought it was self-evident that having minorities, Jews, women, and children co-existing in peace at their protest was a refutation of Trudeau's slander. 👇
Mar 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Jan 3, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
Happy 13th Birthday #Bitcoin.
My How You Have Grown.

A thread 🧵

When you were just a baby, you briefly ran only on Satoshi’s computer.

Soon after, Hal Finney let you run on his computer too. And there were a few other cypherpunks who let you run on their’s too. 👇 And you grew. Block by block, you grew.

In those days you were fragile, secured by the combined computing power of just a handful of desktop and laptop computers. You consumed less energy at first than a bright 100 Watt lightbulb.
Jan 30, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
In Hindsight, It Was Inevitable. A thread:

1. When they put all the gold in Fort Knox, the gold standard failed.

In hindsight, it was inevitable. 2. When they allowed governments to conjure money out of thin air, governments conjured it without accountability.

In hindsight, it was inevitable.
Dec 22, 2017 25 tweets 3 min read
1. If you’re asking which crypto coin(s) you should own, I ask back “why do you want to own crypto coins?” 2. If you answer “To get rich quick.” my answer is “Any coins, but you can also get poor quick too, because it’s just gambling.”