TreasureHunt Profile picture
A young investor in 2005, huge set back in 2008. A learner as well as sharing my learnings. Trend is my friend. Mkt is GOD.. Equity, Real Estate & Start ups.
Ameet Rathore Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 4, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
Investor Awareness:--
#Akshoptifibre was highlighted as a #multibagger in many research firms reco:s back in 2018-19 period exactly when the stk was peaking out. A pure fundamental play for many but the company was going from bad to worse. Pls have a look at the chart below. 2)
No respite..These are back again. Scams through fraudulent transactions, shell co:s, undisclosed related party transactions & the wholly promoter+auditors tie-ups. In normal scenario the independent director would be a mere spectator, this case is a little different..
May 5, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Its interesting to see the TV anchors coming on a daily basis and showing the previous charts on mkt falls.

Year 1992,2000,2008 and 2020. As per these analysts there might be many falls which would take out the previous low.

Lets check the characteristic of these falls... 2)
Year 1992:
* India centric ( Harshad Mehta scam) Mkt fell 52% from the top in a span of almost a year. It was not a sudden fall.
* Post the fall mkt recovered completely by mid of 1993 and gave return of 250%+ in 2 yrs time frame.

Year 2000:
* Associated with dot com bubble.
May 2, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
World Vs India !!!
Our handling of Corona was good Vs rest of world. The positive cases, death rates, recovery rates all good. The treatment to the real damage is still unanswered. Remember the world was in lock down and we were also under lock down and now the real test is... How well we are going to handle economic damage due to this lock down..? The real recovery in the mkt and economy would be purely based on it only. Some eg:-
~ US has recorded 33 mil job losses so far which is approx equal to 10 yr job creation what they have.
~ Their stimulus..
Apr 5, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
Investor Guide:

There are lots of investors in our country who are interested to learn the art of investing in stock market. The process of investing starts with analyzing the industry and stk. We would like to share some of the research method we use to identify and pick stks. It’s a very simple and easy to adopt method and doesn’t require much of expertise and can practice while taking investment decisions. Let’s look at what we do….
Apr 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Investor doubts&Clarifications –Current Vs 2008-09.
• Simple as well as difficult question of market bottoming and how much the indices will go down further...? Is this comparable to 2008-09?
•If indices go down further why not stock what one holds and how much?
• And... •What should be investment style in such scenarios?

~~Our view points .....

1)Market current bottom what we feel is 7400—7500 only. Most of the bad news are priced in to the stocks. Some thing very BAD may quickly pull this down towards 6800—6900 with a faster recovery.
Mar 30, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
#BajajFinance is falling based its loan book which is 90% unsecured. As per experts it would be difficult to collect. Let's clarify few things.
1) Bajaj Finance loan book consists of customers of the avg #Cibil score is 750. They don't approve anything below 700 at all.... (1) 2) The customer repayment may not hit hard since since the avg EMI is not more than Rs:5000/-(approx)
3) In current scenario the customer default would be limited since the Cibil plays a major role in customer credit worthiness

3) It has a mkt share of 72% consumer finance and..
Mar 22, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
On the business front and absolute sales in stores this Qtr, barring Jan/Feb ( Which were normal as per expectation) March so far has seen good growth across segements. March was good due to advanced buying by most of the customers.. We need to worry about rest of March and 1st Qtr of next FY considering the #Corona fear stays till mid of May. How much damage it can cause in terms of supply and damand situation across the country. A well calibareated policies from Govt can change things in a big way.