Tristan Cork Post Profile picture
@BristolLive /Bristol Post. South Bristol reporter. Housing crisis. DM/email your story
Jun 26 9 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Another point missed by the many many Westminster (& other local) media on Bristol Central is Q why ARE Labour throwing the absolute kitchen sink at it (& not as much at 4 seats around Bristol where they could beat Tories)
I thought it was obvious why: the 2028 election I'm fascinated by the bafflement, outrage or surprise from Greens asking how dare Labour go all-out to win Bristol Central.
They should understand Labour are already fighting the 2028 General Election nationally, but in Bristol Central.
Nov 10, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Appeal launched for people affected by the Immensa covid testing fiasco - who were wrongly told they didn't have covid when they did, back in Sept/Oct - to help @GoodLawProject with a possible mass legal action against the Govt over the scandal
pls RT👇… A REMINDER: Tens of thousands of people - many from Bristol & the West Country - were wrongly told they didn't have Covid
Myself, @BeebJournalist & others were looking into this, as increasing numbers reported something strange going on in Sept & early Oct…
Nov 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Ruslana, from Bristol, is one of 32,000 carers who now can't work because they won't have Covid jabs in a care sector that's already massively understaffed… Interesting 'pros and cons' situation re: forcing care staff & NHS staff to have covid vaccinations.
Do the benefits of reduced transmission from a 100% vaccinated workforce outweigh axing 32,000 carers & tens of thousands of staff from an NHS already massively understaffed?
Oct 8, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
There is a big problem with false negative PCR tests in Bristol
How do I know for sure? I had 2 PCR tests yesterday - one done to me by a health professional= positive
The 2nd I did at uni test centre = negative
A thread:… Familiar tale: couple days of coughing (with -ve lateral flows) before a night of fever followed by this +ve lateral flow Thursday morning...
Oct 6, 2021 19 tweets 6 min read
Why is @BristolCouncil still handling stolen goods?
Thread about the mayor, the British Museum, the Govt, a British war crime & @Channel4News - none come out of it looking good tbh
First, read this...👇🏼& pls RT… Let’s start back in 1897. The Benin Empire in West Africa was a large, very cultured civilisation that had resisted the ‘Scramble for Africa’, until the British decided to take the royal palace
Killed many, torched the place & stole all the stuff…
Jun 7, 2021 20 tweets 10 min read
A year ago, thousands of people marched through Bristol & the statue of c17th slave trader Edward Colston was pulled down & chucked in the docks.
A year on & what HAS been going on?
First up - have a read of this for some perspective… Let's quickly talk about the statue itself, since it appears to have become the physical embodiment of the dreaded Culture Wars.
It's been put on display @mshedbristol with a survey asking people what should happen next
Read this to find out more…
Jun 6, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Every anniversary of D-Day, I think of Dennis Mason, who I had the privilege of interviewing many times. He was maybe the first Allied soldier on the beaches, inside a tank that somehow floated & reached the sand in darkness, maybe 20 mins before 'H-Hour'.
A thread.... He was in one of these tanks, fitted with a huge canvas surround - the idea that if enough water was displaced, the tank would 'float' beneath the water line.
Many drowned in the testing of this. Many more sunk on D-Day bcos it was rough seas & they left their boats too far out
Mar 26, 2021 89 tweets 64 min read
THREAD: Third #KillTheBill protest in Bristol today has been called.
There is still a covid pandemic, & lockdown is still in force.
All the latest updates from College Green & Bristol city centre in this thread, and on this liveblog 👇… This is the scene on College Green right now.
#KillTheBill #BristolProtest
Latest updates here:…
Mar 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Police in Bristol today confirmed the officer who they said suffered a broken arm in Sunday’s riots, didn’t have a broken arm, & the officer who they said had broken ribs didn’t suffer broken ribs.
Police said 40 officers were injured, however.… Chief Constable Andy Marsh earlier today told @adam_ldr “Very thankfully following medical reassessment there are no broken bones.”
Mar 23, 2021 34 tweets 19 min read
Scenes on College Green Bristol about 15 mins ago for another protest against the Police & Crime Bill.
This time by van-dwellers, travellers & Gypsies, who say their way of life would effectively be criminalised by changes to law included in the bill #KillTheBill #BristolProtest For latest updates on the situation on College Green, Bristol, follow liveblog on the @BristolLive site here 👇🏼
#KillTheBill #BristolProtest…
Mar 21, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: follow the latest as the #KillTheBill protest on College Green gets underway.
Live updates - Kill the Bill protesters gather in Bristol city centre despite police warning… 2.30pm & the first person with a sign was told to move on
Jan 8, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Three areas of South Bristol have the highest coronavirus case rates in the Bristol area
Hengrove 950 (cases per 100,000 pop.)
Knowle West 942
Bishopsworth 859
according to today's latest case number figures. Number of actual people who tested positive for covid between Mon Dec 28 & Sun Jan 3:
Hengrove 86 (it was 23 the week before)
Knowle West 71 (12)
Bishopsworth 51 (14)
Total from just those 3 areas: 208.
Jan 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: The number of people who tested positive for covid-19 in Knowle West, Bristol, has jumped by 1067% in a week. That's not a typo...
Throughout December, 6 people a week tested positive in Knowle West, roughly. Pretty low.
In the 7 days to Sat Jan 2, 70 (SEVENTY) did I don't know if track & trace & @C_A_Gray will be able to tell us why cases have increased tenfold in the week after Christmas.
If track & trace worked at all, it would do.
But it doesn't.
Anyone in Knowle West any ideas? Massive Christmas party? A nursing home outbreak?
Jun 21, 2020 22 tweets 9 min read
BREAKING: @aspolice have launched a major appeal, with CCTV pics, to find the 18 people responsible for how the Edward #ColstonStatue into the docks
Full story here - please read first - but this thread will examine how we got here...
#Bristol… It took 83 mins from toppling to dunking & the police didn’t intervene once
Afterwards, the mayor & others praised police for their restraint - no one was injured & nothing else was damaged- compare that to scenes elsewhere
#Colston #Bristol #ColstonStatue…
Jun 7, 2020 87 tweets 66 min read
The moment the people of Bristol pulled down the statue of Edward Colston, slave trader
#BlackLivesMatterUK #BlackLivesMattters #bristoltaketheknee #Colston It's now being rolled towards the floating harbour.
Colston opened up the transatlantic slave trade to Bristol merchants & around 20,000 people, incl 8,000 children, died on his ships before they even reached the Americas.
Bristol became Britain's leading slave trading port.
Jan 25, 2020 22 tweets 8 min read
THREAD: I was back in the Stroud Subscription Rooms for the first time in years today & had a flashback to a moment there that’ll stay with me forever, involving the legendary Cider With Rosie author, Laurie Lee.
#CiderWithRosie I have so many stories about Laurie, it was an honour to know him, albeit in his final years.
But this one I’ll share now.
Perhaps memory & time has given it extra dramatic flourish in my mind. Perhaps there are others there who will remember better too.
Nov 12, 2019 40 tweets 41 min read
THREAD: You wait ages for Bristol South to have a Brexit Party candidate & two come along at once.
Firstly, here's @rdevitoboutin announcing he's been selected to be the Parliamentary Candidate for Bristol South
Until yesterday, he was a candidate in Cornwall.
#GeneralElection19 @rdevitoboutin But @NeilPpc Neil Hipkiss also believes himself to be the Brexit Party candidate for Bristol South.
Oct 18, 2019 23 tweets 25 min read
Dear London,
You probably didn't know Bristol is a city where disruptive protest is an almost every day occurrence.
You do now.
Let's take stock of what some people of @XRBristol have done in London for @XRebellionUK these last few days....
pls RT...
#ClimateCrisis @XRBristol @XRebellionUK First up, Bristol's pensioners are not happy about climate change.
This was the warning a week ago…
Feb 16, 2019 39 tweets 10 min read
THREAD: Message from Bristol to the rest of the world.
We know there’s other stuff going on that you might have thought was more important, but we thought we’d mention it, just in case it turns out to be important...
It’s just that, well, the swans are starting to rebel.
Or maybe, and this also might be equally disconcerting, it’s just the one swan, actually.
Jun 11, 2018 16 tweets 10 min read
EXCLUSIVE: A Bristol Arena in Temple Meads will cost £65MILLION more than expected, according to the studies commissioned by @MarvinJRees & done by @KPMG
Read the exclusive full story from the peerless @esmeashcroft here>… 2/n
The audit into the @bristolarenal site was done by KPMG
KPMG also audit for @YTLcommunity
YTL propose an Arena at Filton
More on that here:…
Apr 23, 2018 21 tweets 6 min read
I'm still trying to process the bizarre scenes at Bristol Magistrates Court today.
A directions hearing was held for the controversial case of the police officer who Tasered Ras @Justice4Judah but it didn't happen...…
#Bristol @CleoDanceBaton @pgmhart Everyone attended what I imagine the prosecution, defence & judge via video link from Westminster assumes would be a formal yet cordial chat about admission of evidence in the case where a police officer is charged with assault.