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Increasingly irritable. RTs ≠ Endorsements
Belinda Bawden #FBPE #COP26 #Followbackfriday Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 7, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Anyone know if the boundaries of all the new shiny #Freeports we’re going to get happen to include national parks, at all?

Eg: the Plymouth freeport boundary appears to encompass the whole of Dartmoor.

assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… The Solent freeport appears to include the whole of the New Forest.

Jan 21, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
My MP @RobertLargan has made public his desire for his whole voting record to be recognised and not just, say, his votes on opposition day motions.

On Tuesday, he voted 9 times on amendments to the #TradeBill.


At his own request, let's take a look.. Amendment 1: To give parliament and the devolved nations a role in the scrutiny and approval of trade agreements.

Mr Largan voted against this.

11 Tory MPs rebelled against this removal of their own powers.

Mr Largan did not.

Sep 9, 2020 11 tweets 6 min read
This week, a No Deal #Brexit just got a step closer.

@WendyNowak shines a light on the situation of the many UK citizens who are dependent upon medication from the EU.

#3Point5Percent #NoDealBrexit #MedicationShortage #MedsShortage

1. "As soon as I heard rumours about shortages of medicines alarm bells started ringing in my head.

I’m Type 2 diabetic and need insulin to control it. The complications of uncontrolled diabetes are dire: blindness, kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, amputation.
