How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App 開始時好多人以為整首cover放上網唔犯法 - 其實係所謂版權擁有人有無去告你而已。有好多謬論譬如話咩播10秒就無事,其實唔係,侵權就係侵權,但YouTube 裡面太多video,YT同版權所有人看漏眼唔出奇,但唔代表之後唔會追溯返權利。講YT copyright 呢條片好值得觀看:'s really that simple. You make a cover of a song that also speaks about the fight for democracy and freedom. That's great. But you claimed that you wrote the song, and that's plagiarism. You got called out on it. The right thing to do is apologize..., and as she was trying to get her ID out of her wallet the 2 officers said that they would no longer check her ID because she was already "obstructing police officers on duty". She was handcuffed right after this remark. people can drink water to survive, but what about our aging parents? Patients w/high blood pressure, diabetes etc have no medication. We are begging the world: who can save us?, 100% agree that xenophobic attitudes towards Chinese international students in the US is not OK. Great for you to offer help. But this Taisu? We don't hear the same kind of snarl from you on Twitter than you're showing on Weibo aren't ya?