Here for the War, Cricket & Tacos | Almost Famous & Mostly Functional South Asian Security & Politics Wala | Founder @ivyfutureofpakistan | Host #Mahaaz
Jun 8, 2023 • 26 tweets • 20 min read
This is a story about terrorism, Pakistan, America and reinventing yourself.
Our story starts in the beautiful city of Islamabad.
There is a think-tank over there called @PICSSIsb.
Like all think-tanks, it holds events about important issues.
Take a good look at this event.
This is an upcoming webinar on #PakUSRelations
- Sajid Mir is an alleged Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) operator
- Had $5 million reward on his head
- Was convicted in a Chicago court in 2011
- Pak claimed he was untraceable or dead for years
- India & others voted against Pak at last year's FATF plenary for inaction
- Now, his arrest has led Pak being eased off by FATF (depending on "on site" visit over summer)
- Arrest a part of Pak's drive to normalize ties with US & India
Oct 12, 2021 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
This #DGISI business needs a book, and a prayer, but here are my two cents.
The ISI, when seen from a strictly military perspective, is possibly the largest and most powerful formation in Pakistan.
It has a three-star Lieutenant General running at least six (6) two-star Major Generals and their wings.
Traditionally, PakMil Lieutenant Generals, when they get to command positions, lead a Corps (yes, they get to be a part of the famous/infamous "Corps Commanders Conference").
Aug 6, 2021 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
As news of the Taliban’s first military takeover of a provincial capital after 20 years of fighting is breaking, here’s a thread [I hope to evolve] about what Washington is thinking about Afghanistan.
There are two schools in Washington for Afghanistan: the first thinks that the Taliban are doing whatever they’re doing to gain leverage in the peace process; that if Ashraf Ghani relents, then the talks will lead to a some kind of power sharing agreement.
Jul 26, 2021 • 20 tweets • 5 min read
THREAD: Is China heading towards CT/COIN in Afghanistan?
Early July, FM Wang Yi [before attack on Chinese engineers in Pak] said Beijing wants to:
"effectively contain spillover of Afghanistan's security risks, and ensure overall stability in the region."…
Late July, post Dasu attack, Beijing started hyphenating Afghanistan with Pak attack. Asked "all parties concerned in Afghanistan to fully observe the ceasefire" but also vowed to "severely punish the perpetrators [of the attack on Chinese engineers]."
In an unexpected electoral setback which is shocking, even by #Pakistan's turbulent standards, cricketer-turned-prime minister #ImranKhan faces a crucial #VoteOfConfidence.
Here's a look at @ImranKhanPTI's political career, spanning over two decades.
Propelled by his celebrity & supported by his (now former) wife @Jemima_Khan, Khan's early political career saw him adopt the role of international activist. Here, in 1997, he's on a tour of South Africa with then-President Nelson Mandela.
Jul 26, 2020 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Full disclosure for this thread: I don't vote. I follow the old ethical tenet that journalists & judges shouldn't vote.
Exactly two years ago, I was excited to see @ImranKhanPTI win an election & assume the helm of affairs in Pakistan, the country of my birth.
So although...
...I didn't vote, I was still excited to see him win.
See, with the 2018 polls @ImranKhanPTI had done what few politicians can do: he'd broken a system.
In this case, Pakistan's notorious -- and static -- two-party system.
Aug 22, 2019 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
Received legal notices from @twitter for two days straight: the Gov of India has complained that I’ve violated the “laws of India.”
Till yesterday, @twitter cited certain tweets to be problematic (for India).
Today, my account @wajskhan in general is allegedly in violation.
So far, @twitter has been very straightforward, giving me my legal options.
Till yesterday, I was advised that among my choices, deleting certain tweets was one option.
However, not quite sure what to do today, considering my entire account - active since ‘09 - is at stake.
Aug 19, 2019 • 19 tweets • 14 min read
Lets talk about this clearly:
Imran Khan & Gen QJ Bajwa find themselves in a very different power equation versus the last two civilian administrations & the last two #COAS's
'08-'11, Gen Kayani & the Zardari regime were clearly cat-&-mousing for most of Kayani's 1st tenure.
Compulsions: The Lawyers' Movement, NRO, Musharraf's uniform, Memogate (some of Kayani's productions or co-productions, backed by foreign supporters). Then, post-Osama/Raymond Davis, Kayani was deployed to stabilize rudder by an atrophied Zardari. Not much of a choice for PPP.
Aug 16, 2019 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Pakistan’s leadership is building up a serious case against India, but so far, most of its been for domestic audiences.
Internationally, @ImranKhanPTI hasn’t been able to really sell his cause for #Kashmir. The UNSC consultation today is a test case of Pak’s diplomatic muscle.
Failure in New York by @MOFAPakistan will further build up frustration at home - especially in the rank & file of the military - and increasingly validate the hawks to position Pakistan to launch an asymmetric war, if not conventional operations against India.