How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App argument suffers from a poverty of theory and an acute ahistoricism. It views the world as a mechanistic body, driven by a competitive (capitalist) instinct. Mearsheimer purposely ignores social relations as "out of scope", divorcing his theories from the historical process. Once more for people in the back - MMT does not say you can run deficits and never worry about inflation. What it says is that inflation is not caused by spending but by a lack of (or poorly managed) resources. - everybody responding is stuck on the part about MMT saying there isn’t a fiscal limit to what can be spent and none of them recognize that MMT says spending that isn’t backed by the proper resources *will* cause inflation. This actually tracks perfectly with the last yr. right's reasons for dismissing it are pretty clear, so I’m not going to spend time on that. But the left's dismissal is more complicated., the Tudor government made a deliberate decision to exempt a certain size of property from small producers from enclosure, allowing these property owners to increase their holdings through enclosing neighboring smallholder land. 2/ basic liberal position here starts with the premise that people cannot live under a perpetual state of emergency, especially one that prevents socializing, etc. i agree with the premise. But the solution liberals present is a return to normalcy - a restoration of order.