Conor Fortune Profile picture
Journalist & editor. Head of Comms & Events @FrontLineHRD. Past @amnesty @UNHumanRights @HRW @banclusterbombs. Former Rotary World Peace Fellow.
Mar 24, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
“As Boko Haram continue their relentless cycle of killings, abductions and looting, they are also subjecting women and girls to rape and other sexual violence during their attacks. These atrocities are war crimes” - @livingtruely #SGBV… In Feb & March 2021, @amnesty interviewed 22 people in a cluster of villages in northern Borno State that Boko Haram has repeatedly attacked since late 2019. Women & girls frequently targeted with rape & other sexual violence
Mar 23, 2021 21 tweets 10 min read
Last month @amnesty revealed a horrific massacre (a potential crime against humanity) & alleged war crimes in Axum.

State-aligned @EthioHRC went there (Amnesty was blocked from doing so) & corroborated a massacre took place.

UN-led investigation now!

"[The] # of civilian fatalities & other casualties cited in this preliminary finding report are not final and only represent those the Commission was able to
verify at this stage of the investigation."

@amnesty has the names of 240+ victims. There are likely more. #AxumMassacre
Feb 14, 2020 13 tweets 9 min read
BREAKING: @amnesty reveals shocking new evidence that Nigerian military razed villages & forced hundreds of inhabitants on trucks before burning their homes to the ground. The fight against #BokoHaram should not be like this. Civilians must be protected.… @amnesty #Nigeria's military burned and forcibly displaced entire villages in response to a recent escalation in attacks by the armed group Boko Haram in Borno State. @amnesty interviewed 12 displaced villagers & analysed satellite imagery corroborating their testimonies.