Helping small businesses & publications appeal to diverse audiences. Previously, journo, recovering from COVID She/They
Oct 13, 2022 • 18 tweets • 11 min read
There's a lot of #ableism floating on Twitter at the moment, especially within the journalistic space so I wanted to take the time to highlight #Disabled journalists whose work I admire, Focus on the UK because otherwise I'll burn out! Please add yours! /1
First up! @DrFrancesRyan Frances writes about disability and austerity among many other things. Her book #Crippled "reminds us what real investigative journalism looks like" and her work constantly holds powerful people to account and raises the voices of marginalised groups. /2
Oct 12, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
What is this take? I'm often the journo in this situation, where people refuse captions. This is a totally unacceptable way to frame this- using the trust people put in your coverage to show if a candidate can do the job to instead be actively ableist. Do better. /1
What are captions?
"Captions (also called “intralingual subtitles”) provide content to people who are Deaf and others who cannot hear the audio. They are also used by people who process written information better than audio." /2…