Justin Fisher Profile picture
Aspiring environmental historian @usaskhist | Community organizer @CJSaskatoon | New Scholars rep @NiCHE_Canada | I love lentils. Settler. He/him
Oct 21, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Ok, buckle up!! @RobNorrisSK' badly misleading take on the library has been bad enough, but the blatant lies here are way too much. I figured Norris would turn his attention here eventually but did not expect so many straight-up falsehoods. A thread. #yxe #yxecc I’ve spent a lot of energy advocating for the LEC Plan, not because it’s a perfect plan but because it provides a framework for badly needed action. But that’s all that it really is – a framework laying out actions the city will *decide* on at various points in the years to come.